


Test 3
  1. Mr. Johnson said he could not ________ to retire from work and live only on his pension.
  A) risk
  B) afford
  C) tolerate
  D) restrain
  2. He stood at the platform and waved his hand ________ the train was out of the sight.
  A) unless
  B) until
  C) since
  D) once
  3. Our new house is very ________ for me as I can get to the office in five minutes.
  A) convenient
  B) comfortable
  C) adaptable
  D) available
  4. The doctor is feeling the little girl's pulse. He says it ________ normal.
  A) is feeling
  B) has felt
  C) feels
  D) is felt
  5. Quite a few books are published, and quite a few magazine articles are written on the subject, all ________ to tell the job seekers what they should do.
  A) try
  B) trying
  C) have tried
  D) are trying
  6. Barbara ________ in doing it again though she had failed more than a dozen times.
  A) insisted
  B) consisted
  C) assisted
  D) persisted
  7. I thought I heard a bomb ________ off at midnight.
  A) go
  B) went
  C) gone
  D) to go
  8. Only by exerting his greatest effort ________ .
  A) he lifted up the stone
  B) up he lifted the stone
  C) he was able to lift up the stone
  D) was he able to lift up the stone
  9. The aged scientist still showed great ________ in pursuing new knowledge.
  A) comparison
  B) evaluation
  C) enthusiasm
  D) recreation
  10. Nobody except the family members and their relatives ________ permitted to attend the ceremony.
  A) is
  B) are
  C) being
  D) have been
  11. Some days go by much more quickly than others. Some hours seem as if they ________ .
  A) should never end
  B) might never end
  C) will never end
  D) would never end
  12. He didn't go to the station on time, ________ he didn't meet his parents.
  A) therefore
  B) so
  C) since
  D) which
  13. It was much to our surprise that Tom ________ such a good position as a sales manager.
  A) turned over
  B) turned to
  C) turned down
  D) turned away
  14. From the tears in the girl's eyes we understood that something sad ________.
  A) might occur
  B) should occur
  C) must have occurred
  D) would have occurred
  15. Tom's university education gave him an advantage ________ boys who had not been to a college.
  A) above
  B) over
  C) than
  D) to
  16. Finally the workers got the reply ________ the Government could do nothing to improve the working conditions.
  A) which
  B) whether
  C) that
  D) about
  17. No one needs to feel awkward in ________ his own customs.
  A) pursuing
  B) seeking
  C) chasing
  D) following
  18. No sooner ________ than the fire broke out.
  A) he had fled the house
  B) had he fled the house
  C) he fled the house
  D) did he flee the house
  19. One should be careful to check the grease(润滑油) and oil in ________ at regular intervals.
  A) their car
  B) his car
  C) our car
  D) one's car
  20. Foreign bankers are cautiously ________ about the country's economic future.
  A) optimistic
  B) sensitive
  C) confident
  D) hospitable
  21. It was in 1985 ________ a hole in the ozone(臭氧) layer over the Antarctic was discovered.
  A) when
  B) where
  C) that
  D) which
  22. Today's markets in cities differ greatly from ________.
  A) the past
  B) those past
  C) that of the past
  D) those of the past
  23. The destruction of these art treasures was a loss for mankind that no amount of money could ________ .
  A) make up for
  B) put up with
  C) stand up to
  D) come up with
  24. ________ , our next step is to determine how to carry it out.
  A) Having made the plan
  B) The plan having been made
  C) Making the plan
  D) The plan having made
  25. After a quick ________ at the patient, the doctor arranged for an ambulance.
  A) glance
  B) glimpse
  C) vision
  D) sight
  26. I really appreciate _________ to help me, but I ensure you that I am not a rash young man any more.
  A) you to offer
  B) your offering
  C) that you offer
  D) that you are offering
  27. I promise to meet her in Spain in a month, providing I was ________ recovered to do so.
  A) sincerely
  B) seriously
  C) sufficiently
  D) sharply
  28. Just before taking off, the pilot once more _________ about weather conditions.
  A) requested
  B) demanded
  C) required
  D) inquired
  29. The rabbit chews down trees to get food and material _________ its home.
  A) which to build in
  B) with which to build
  C) build
  D) building
  30. "Why didn't John tell you his experience in Africa?" "I didn't ask him to, but he would have told me everything if I ________."
  A) would
  B) will
  C) had
  D) do

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