

boarding check  登机牌
plane ticket   飞机票
flight, flying  飞行
bumpy flight   不平稳的飞行
smooth flight  平稳的飞行
ramp       扶梯
altitude, height 高度
extra flight   加班
non-stop flight 连续飞行
circling     盘旋
forced landing  迫降
speed, velocity 速度
ceiling     上升限度
cruising speed  巡航速度
top speed    速度
first class   头等舱
night service  夜航
airsick     晕机
to taxi along  滑行
landing     着陆
to face the wind 迎风
air route,air line         航线
climbing,to gain height      爬升
economy class,tourist class    经济舱
connecting flight         衔接航班
direct flight, straight flight   直飞
to rock, to toss, to bump     颠簸
to lose height, to fly low     降低
to take off, take-off       起飞
to board a plane,get into a plane 上飞机
to get off a plane,alight from a plane 下飞机

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