


1. be ill ( with )意为“有病了”,指“患病”的状态。它可以与表示一段时间的状语连用。例如:
  She has been ill for three days. 她已经病了三天了。

  Tom was ill with a heart attack. 汤姆患了心脏病。

  2. fall ill ( with )“害病”,“生起病来”,指从无病到有病的转换(美国英语中用 fall sick )。这种表达法通常不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。例如:

  Her brother fell ill with pneumonia yesterday. 昨天她的兄弟得了肺炎。

  Tell her not t overwork herself, in case she should fall ill. 告诉她不要过度劳累,以免生病。

  与 fall ill 同义的还有( l ) become ill ( of )(属书面语)( 2 ) be taken ill (美国人常用)( 3 ) get ill/ sick (特别是在口语里,与 get well “好了”反义)。例如:

  She became ill of a nervous disorder several days ago. 几天前她患了神经错乱症。

  He was suddenly taken ill. 他突然病了。

  Henry gets very ill. 亨利病得很厉害。

  3. “ maker sb ill ”和“ make oneself ill ”意为“使……生病,因……而得病”。其主语常常是致病的原因。例如:

  This meat made me ill. 这肉使我害了病。

  he made himself ill by constantly drinking. 他因经常饮酒而生病了。

  4. “ catch/ get/ take/ have +疾病名称”表示“染上……病”,多用于口语中。书面语中常用“ be attacked by ( with )”或“ be affected by ( with )”。例如:

  ( 1 ) I didn't catch / get / take influenza. 我没有染上流行性感冒。

  ( 2 ) The Frenchman caught a bad cough. 那个法国人咳嗽得很厉害。

  ( 3 ) have a cold 伤风了( c.f. catch ( a ) cold 着凉); have a headache 患头痛; have a toothache 患牙痛; have a stomachache 患胃痛

  ( 4 ) He was attacked by influenza. 他得了流行性感冒。

  ( 5 ) Once a man is affected by the common cold, he usually suffers from cough and fever. 一旦得了感冒,人通常会咳嗽、发烧。

  5. suffer from…… 意为“患……病”:“因患……病而感不适”。例如:

  Last night Jane suffered much from a headache. 昨晚珍妮头痛很厉害。

  He sometimes suffers from ill-health. 他时常受疾病的折磨。

  6. feel bad ( sick )意为“感觉不舒服”,多用于美国口语中。例如:

  My head feels very bad this morning. 今天早晨我觉得头很痛。

  7. be so bad 意为“病得很厉害”,多用于英国口语中。例如:

  You're going to fetch the doctor! Is your mother really so bad? 你要请医生。你的母亲果真病得那么厉害吗?

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