


一提到“that”,同学们感到再熟悉不过了,但是从小学就学过的“that”对于初三的同学来说已经远不只是指示代词了。刚学完的定语从句中少不了它,初二时学的宾语从句中也有它,更有甚者,在课本中还经常看到“It is…that…”这个强调句。出现频率如此之高,使同学们看到它感到茫然,“这个‘that’是哪个‘that’呢?它在句中起什么作用呢?”下面我们就来谈谈这个既熟悉又陌生的“that”:
  1.We are doing a project about countries that we want to visit.此句中,that作为关系代词引导定语从句 “that we want to visit”修饰前面的先行词 “countries”。那么“countries”就有了一个修饰限定的成分“we want to visit”,意为“我们想要参观的国家”。又如:
  2.Who is the girl that talked to you yesterday?that作为关系代词引导定语从句“that talked to you yesterday”修饰前面的先行词 “girl”。那么“girl”就有了一个修饰限定的成分“that talked to you yesterday”,意为“昨天你和她谈话的那个女孩”。
  1.I have to imagine that I’ve been there, and that I’m writing a letter to Mum and you.此句中我们发现that后面的这个长长的句子不能修饰限定前面的动词“imagine”,而是变成了动词“imagine”的宾语。that起到连接作用,在从句中并不充当句子成分。又如:
  2.Tom told me that he would have a party this weekend.阅读此句,我们发现“he would have a party this weekend”这部分同“me”一样是谓语动词“told”的宾语。一个完整的句子作宾语,在复合句中称它为宾语从句,而that正是在主句和从句之间,起到一个连接作用。
  最后让我们来看看含有that的一个特殊句式——强调句It’s…that/who…。这个句式同学们会在高中进行深入的学习,但是在初中英语三年级上册课本Module 6 Save our world 和Module 9 Cartoon stories中都出现了这个句式。下面我们就对它进行一个简单的了解——这个强调句式可以对除谓语以外的任何句子成分进行强调。需要强调哪部分就将这部分置于 “It’s”和 “that”之间。如果需要强调的是主语则将 “that”改为“who”。例如:
  1.It’s also at home that we save energy and recycle…在家里我们也要节约能源并再利用…这个句子中所强调的是地点状语 “at home”,所以把它放在“It’s”和“that”之间。再如:
  2.But it’s above all the jokes played by the monkey that people remember. 但是正是那些猴子做的恶作剧是人们记忆深刻的。这个句子中宾语——“那些猴子做的恶作剧”是强调的对象,所以把“the jokes played by the monkey”放在“It’s”和 “that”之间。又如:
  3.It’s Mary who wants to see you soon.想要尽快见到你的人是玛丽(不是别人)。这个句子就是强调主语Mary,所以把它放在“It’s”和 “who”之间。通过以上三个例句我们可以看出“It’s…that/who…”就是一个句式,并无具体实在意义,如果去掉这个句式,我们也能理解句子的意思,但对所强调成分的理解程度则远远不够。
  1.His bike that he borrowed from his uncle was stolen last night.
  2.My father told me that he would go to Japan the next month.
  3.It’s this house that he wants to live in.
  4.It successfully shows the rich culture that makes Beijing so famous.
  5.I do not like the people that were never on time.
  6.Nobody knows that he came from a small village.
  7.It’s in their classroom that they will have a party.
  8.The letter that I received yesterday is from my sister.
  9.He is the finest man that I have ever worked with.
  10.It’s a new computer that his mother bought for him yesterday.
  11.Is there anything else that you want to say?
  12.He said that he had been a teacher in this school for three years already.
  13.We hoped that he would come back before all the guests left.
  14.It’s on 12th September that he joined the army.

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