Sydney Opera House,第1张

Sydney Opera House,第2张

The Sydney Opera House is one of the most distinctive and famous 20th-century buildings, and one of the most famous performing arts venues in the world.

  Formal construction of the Opera House began in March, 1959 and was formally opened by Queen Elizabeth II on October 20, 1973. The opening was televised and included fireworks and a performance of Beethoven's Symphony No. 9.

  Situated on Bennelong Point in Sydney Harbour, the building and its surroundings form an iconic Australian image. The designer is Jorn Utzon, a Danish architect who was forced to resign before the completion of the Opera. Peter Hall was largely responsible for the interior design.

  The Opera House covers 1.8 hectares of land, and offers 4.5 hectares of usable office space. It is 183 meters tall and about 120 meters wide at its widest point. It is supported on 580 concrete piers sunk up to 25 meters below sea level. It has about 1000 rooms, five theatres, five rehearsal studios, four restaurants, six bars and numerous souvenir shops.

  Sydney Opera House is the busiest performing arts center in the world, averaging some 3000 events a year with audiences totaling some two million, operating 24 hours a day, seven days a week closing only on Christmas and Good Friday.

  Sydney Opera House:悉尼歌剧院,位于悉尼大桥附近的奔尼浪岛上,是澳大利亚标志性的建筑。

  Queen Elizabeth II:伊丽莎白二世,全称为“大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国与其他国土和领地之女王,联邦的元首”。 1926年4月21日生于伦敦,1952年2月6日国王逝世,她继承王位,1953年6月2日加冕,1986年10月访问中国,是英国历第一位来华访问的国家元首。

  Beethoven:路德维希。凡。贝多芬 ( 1770-1827)音乐家,被后人认为是有史以来最伟大的交响曲作家。他的第九部交响曲已经成为欧盟的盟歌。

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