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<h4 data-immersive-translate-effect="1" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 14p,第1张

h4 data-immersive-translate-effect= 1 "audioId" width="100" height="100" ontimeupdate="AudioTimeUpdate()" >  秋红枫学堂 2023-03-31 发表于山东 | 转藏

The potential benefits to an organization of implementing an EOMS based on this International Standard are:
组织实施基于本国际标准的 EOMS 的潜在好处是:

better alignment of educational mission, vision, objectives and action plans
更好地协调教育使命、愿景、目标和行动计划 inclusive and equitable quality education for all
包容和公平的全民优质教育 promotion of self-learning and lifelong learning opportunities
促进自主学习和终身学习的机会 more personalized learning and effective response to special educational needs
更个性化的学习和对特殊教育需求的有效响应 consistent processes and evaluation tools to demonstrate and increase effectiveness and efficiency
一致的流程和评估工具,以证明和提高有效性和效率 increased credibility of the educational organization
提高教育机构的可信度 recognized means to enable organizations to demonstrate commitment to education management practices in the most effective manner
使组织能够以最有效的方式展示对教育管理实践的承诺的公认方法 a model for improvement 改进的典范 harmonization of national standards within an international framework
在国际框架内协调国家标准 widened participation of interested parties
扩大有关各方的参与 stimulation of excellence and innovation
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