


301. pick up 



Train picked up the timber workers working in the forest farm every day.



熟义:n. 飞行员

生义:adj. 试验性的

If the pilot survey goes well, we'll go into full production.



熟义:n. 地方,场所

生义:n. 职位

She found a place in a store.



熟义:n. 飞机


This species has reached a higher plane of development.


305. plant 

熟义:n. 植物;工厂

生义:v. 栽种,种植

My parents planted a garden at the foot of the hill.


306. platform 

熟义:n. 平台;讲台


The platform of the new party attaches great importance to environmental protection. 



熟义:int. 请(用于客气地请求)


She does what she pleases.



熟义:n. 衣袋,口袋 v. 把……放入口袋

生义:v. 赚取,获得(钱财)

It's simple---we buy them for $5,sell them for $8,and we pocket the difference.


309. policy

熟义:n. 政策;方针

生义:n. 保险单

He took out a fire insurance policy for his house. 


310. polish  

熟义:v. 擦亮,磨光

生义:v. 改进,使完美,给……润色

His essay needs polishing. 



熟义:n. 池塘,水坑

生义:v. 集中(资源、钱财等)以备共用

If we pool the idea, we may find a better solution to the problem.  



熟义:adv. 实事求是地,实际地

生义:adv. 几乎,差不多

The hall was practically empty.



熟义:v. 练习

生义:n. 通常的做法,惯例

According to the international practice,he shall be punished.


314. position  

熟义:n. 位置;地点

生义:n. 观点,立场

What's your position on the problem?



熟义:v. 拥有,持有

生义:v. 受(感情)支配,受(感情)影响

A violent anger possessed him.



熟义:n. 磅;英镑

生义:n. 重击

No one can stand continuous pounding on the head.  



熟义:n. 现在,眼前;礼物,赠品

生义:v. 赠送

On Teachers' Day,students usually present flowers to the teachers.



熟义:v. 压,挤,推,贴

生义:v. 催促,敦促

He pressed her guests to stay a little longer.



熟义:n. v. 承诺,诺言

生义:v. 使很可能,预示

The dark clouds promise rain.


320. previous

熟义:adj. 以前的,先前的


He died previous to my arrival. 



熟义:v. 生产,产生

生义:v. 出示,拿出

Please produce your ticket for inspection.


322. pronounce

熟义:v. 发(音),读(音)

生义:v. 正式宣布(或公布、授予等)

The judge pronounced against her appeal.


323.put away



He puts a little away every week for his grandson.


324.put down 



The bus stopped to put down the passengers.



The army put down the rebellion.


325.put up  



Could you put me up for the night?



326.race  熟义:vt. 和...比赛 n. 赛跑生义:v.(使)快速移动,快速运转Race to see what is happening.快跑过去看看发生了什么。
327.raise熟义:v.提升,举起生义:饲养,种植The farmer raises cows and corn.这个农民又种玉米又养牛。
328. rate熟义:n. 比率;速度生义:v. 评价,评定;被认为,被列为These potatoes rate among the best.这些土豆是最好的。 
329. raw  熟义:adj. 天然的,未经加工的生义:adj. 生的,未煮过的These fish are often eaten raw.鱼一般能生吃。
330.reach熟义:v. 到达,抵达生义:v.(用电话等)与……联系I couldn't reach him by phone this morning.早晨我给他打电话打不通。
331. read熟义:v. 阅读生义:v. (按某种方式)理解I didn't read mother's thoughts at that time.当时我没有理解母亲的想法。
332.realize熟义:v. 了解,意识到生义:v. 变现,变卖(资产)He realized the house.他卖了房子得到了现钱。
333. receipt    熟义:n. 发票,收据生义:n. 收到,接收I will pay the money on receipt of the goods. 我会在收到货物后付款。
334. recover熟义:v. 恢复(健康,精神,体力)生义:v. 重新控制He almost fell, but succeeded in recovering himself.他差点跌倒,但成功地控制住自己。
335.refer to熟义:指的是生义:参考,查阅The speaker often refers to his notes.发言人经常看讲稿。
336. reflect熟义:v. 反映,照出生义:v. 深思,反省I need time to reflect on your offer.我需要时间考虑一下你的提议。
337. refresh熟义:v. 使恢复精神,使消除疲劳生义:v. 使记起,提醒Her words refreshed my memory. 她的话唤起了我的记忆。
338. relate熟义:v. 涉及,关于生义:v. 叙述,讲述I related my adventure to my family. 我把我的冒险故事告诉了家人。
339. religion  熟义:n. 宗教生义:n. 痴迷的活动,极爱好的活动Tennis is a religion with John.John痴迷打网球。
340.remain熟义:v. 剩余,遗留生义:v. 保持不变,一直是The door remains closed.门还是关着的。
341.remember  熟义:v. 记得,记起生义:v. 送钱,送礼(给某人)Please remember the waiter.记住给服务员小费。
342. remote熟义:adj. 偏远的,偏僻的生义:adj. 远亲关系的He is a remote relative of mine. 他是我的远亲。
343. repair  熟义:v. /n.  修理,修补生义:v. 补救,挽救(关系或声誉)How can I repair the damage I have caused?怎样才能挽救我造成的损失? 
344. rest  熟义:v./n.  休息,歇息生义:v.(被)支撑,(使)倚靠She rested her head on his shoulder.她把头靠在他的肩膀上。生义:v. 依靠,仰仗Its success rested on the labor of half a million slaves. 它的成功取依靠50万奴隶的劳动。
345. respect  熟义:v./n. 尊敬,敬意生义:v. 重视,尊重He has no respect for the feelings of others.他毫不尊重别人的感情。
346.return熟义:v./n. 归还,退还生义:n. 往返票,来回票Do you want a single or a return?你只买去的车票还是往返票?
347. review熟义:v. 回顾,反思生义:v.仔细研究,审视She reviewed what had happened. 她仔细研究了所发生的事情。
348.round  熟义:adj. 圆形的生义:n.(比赛的)轮,局,场We are losing the game in the last round due to our complacency.  由于自满,我们在上一轮比赛中输了。
349. run 熟义:v./n. 奔跑生义:v.(使)运转,(使)运行Teach me how to run the business.教我怎样做买卖吧。生义:v.(感觉或想法)掠过,迅速传遍A bright idea ran through my mind. 
350.run out  熟义:跑出生义:用完 Their luck had simply run out.他们的好运已经结束。


351.safe  熟义:adj. 安全的,平安的生义:adj. 谨慎的He is a safe man. You can count on him. 他是个谨慎的人。你可以信赖他。
352.at the same time熟义:同时生义:然而It cost a lot of money.At the same time,I think we shall need it and it will certainly be useful.它很贵,然而,我认为我们需要它,它肯定有用。
353.satisfy  熟义:v.使满意,使满足生义:v. 满足(要求、需要等)The cold water satisfied our thirst.我们喝了凉水就不口渴了。生义:v. 使确信,使信服He satisfied me that he could do the work well.他使我相信他能把这工作做好。
354.save熟义:v. 救助生义:v.积攒,储蓄They are saving for a house.他们在存钱买房子。生义:v.保存,保留Will you save me a seat on the bus?在公共汽车上给我留个座,好吗?
355. say  熟义:v. 说,讲生义:v. 假设,比如说Say that war breaks out, what will you do?如果战争爆发了,你会怎么做?生义:v. 指明,表明Her passport says she is nineteen. 她的护照上说他十九岁。
356. scene熟义:n. 风景,场景生义:n.(当众)发脾气,吵闹If you don't sit down and stop making a scene,I'm leaving.如果你不坐下来,还要吵的话,我就走了。
357. scholarship  熟义:n. 奖学金生义:n. 学问,学术A writer with great scholarship can achieve great success.一个有学问的作家可以取得巨大的成功。
358.screen 熟义:n. 屏幕,荧光屏生义:v. 用屏障把事物隔开The curtain screened out sunlight.帘子遮挡阳光。
359. second  熟义:第二生义:v.支持,附议Mrs. Smith proposed the vote of thanks, and Mr. Jones seconded. Smith夫人提议投感谢票,Jones先生附议。
360.see熟义:v. 看见,看到生义:v.(某个时间或地点)遭受,历经The next years saw a series of bad harvests.以后几年,收成都不好。生义:v. 体验This century has seen too many wars.  本世纪发生了太多战争。
361. seize  熟义:vt. 抓住,捉住生义:vt. 理解,掌握I couldn't seize the meaning of his remarks.我无法理解他的话的意思。
362.set  熟义:v.放,置生义:adj.准备好的Are you all set for the journey?你们都为这次旅行准备好了吗?生义:v.做头发She is having her hair set for the party.  她正在为聚会做头发。
363. sharp  熟义:adj. 锋利的,锐利的生义:adj.剧烈的,强烈的I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. 我感到胃痛得厉害。
364.shoot  熟义:v. 射中,射击生义:n. 嫩芽,新枝The trees give out new shoots in spring . 这些树在春天长出新芽。
365. shoulder熟义:n. 肩膀生义:v.承担,担负Young people should learn to shoulder the duty.年轻人应该学会承担责任。
366.simply  熟义:adv. 仅仅,只,不过生义:adv.(强调某说法)确实,简直It is simply wonderful to see you!见到你真是太好了!
367. sink  熟义:v. 下沉,沉没生义:v.下降,降低Price are sinking slowly.价格正在缓慢下跌。
368.somebody熟义:pron.某人生义:pron. 重要人物,当权人物He is somebody in his town but he is nobody here.在他所在的镇他是个赫赫有名的人物,但在这儿就算不了什么人物了。
369. somehow 熟义:adv. 以某种方式生义:adv. 也不知道是什么原由,不知道怎么搞的 Somehow he is afraid of her.不知怎么,他害怕她。
370. soul  熟义:n. 灵魂生义:n. (用于否定句中)一个人(也没有)Hardly a soul is seen in the village. 村里几乎看不到一个人。
371.sound熟义:n.声音 v.(使)发声,(使)作响生义:adj.(机器、身体等)没有毛病的The bodywork's sound but the engine needs repairing.车身完好,但发动机需要修理。生义:adj. 健康的It is important to have a sound body.身体健康很重要。生义:adj.酣睡的,沉睡的My wife is a sound sleeper.我妻子睡得很好。
372.spare    熟义:v.抽出,拿出(时间、金钱等)生义:v.饶恕,赦免He spared the prisoner.他赦免了囚犯。
373.spring  熟义:n.春天;泉水;弹簧生义:v.突然出现,涌现Fast food restaurants are springing up all over the town.快餐店如雨后春笋般地在全镇不断地涌现出来。

374.stamp  熟义:n. 邮票生义:v. 跺(脚),重踩,重踏He stamped his feet in anger. 他愤怒地跺脚。
375.stand熟义:v. 站立,直立生义:v. 忍受,容忍I can't stand waiting any longer.再等下去我可受不了啦!生义:v. 保持有效,维持不变The order still stands.命令仍然有效。
376. start  熟义:v.开始(做某事)生义:v.突然一惊,吓一跳He started up from his seat.  他突然从座位上跳起来。
377.state  熟义:n. 州,邦生义:v. 陈述,说明 They gave him five minutes to state his views.他们给了他五分钟陈述观点。
378.station 熟义:n.(公共汽车、火车等的)车站生义:v.驻扎,派驻A PLA unit is now stationed at Hong Kong.军队某部现在驻扎在香港。
379. steal  熟义:v. 偷窃,盗窃生义:v.快速或偷偷地取得He stole a glance of her in the mirror.他在镜子里偷偷地瞥了她一眼。
380. strength  熟义:n. 体力,力量生义:n. 长处,优势Maths is not my strength.数学不是我的强项。
381.strike 熟义:v. 打,撞生义:v. 突然想到,突然意识到It struck me that he was not telling the truth.我突然意识到他没有讲真话。
382.study      熟义:v. 学习,攻读生义:n.书房He has a beautiful small old wooden study.他的书房小巧玲珑,古色古香,纯木结构。
383.subject 熟义:n. 主题,话题生义:n. 实验对象The subjects of this experiment were all men aged 18-25. 这次实验的被试者全是 18-25岁的男性。生义:v.使经受,使遭受These areas are subject to strong winds.这些地区常受到狂风袭击。生义:adj.可能受……影响的,易遭受……的The child is subject to cold.这孩子容易感冒。
384. succeed    熟义:v. 成功生义:v. 接替Gingrich will succeed Foley as speaker of the House.金瑞琪将接替夫理当众议院议长。生义:v. 继承Jim has just succeeded a large fortune from his uncle.Jim刚刚从叔叔那里继承了一大笔财产。
385. surprise  熟义:v./n.  使惊讶,惊奇生义:v.突然袭击Our troops surprised the enemy in the midnight.  我们的部队在午夜袭击了敌人。
386. sympathy熟义:n. 同情(心),理解生义:n.赞同,Annie's sympathies lie firmly with the workers.安妮支持工人们。


387.take up熟义:占据(时间,地方)生义:开始从事He dropped medicine and took up physics.他弃医从理。
388. team  熟义:n. 队,小组生义:v.协作,合作Would you like to team up with us?你愿意和我们合作吗?
389.tell  熟义:v.告诉,告知生义:v.影响,起作用Good teaching will always tell.好的教学总是有用的。 生义:v.辨别,区别He couldn't tell which house it was.他分不清是哪栋房子。生义:v. 显示,显露She cracked a smile that told her joy.她咧嘴一笑,流露出喜悦之情。
390.thorough  熟义:adj. 彻底的,全面的生义:adj.仔细的,缜密的She is a very thorough worker. 她是一个非常细心的工人。
391.ticket  熟义:n. 票,入场券生义:n.(交通违章)通知单,罚款单The new driver got a ticket for speeding.这位新司机因超速而被罚款。
392.tie  熟义:v. (用线、绳索等)系,扎,捆生义:v.(比赛中)打成平局They tied with the visiting team in the game.他们在比赛中与客队打成平手。
393.tip熟义:n. 小费;末梢,尖端生义:n. 建议Here is a useful tip on how to deal with online friends.下面给你介绍一条关于怎样处理网友问题的有用建议。
394. touch  熟义:n./v. 触摸,碰生义:n.一点儿,少许I feel a touch of tenderness from mom's words. 我从妈妈的话中感受到一丝温柔。生义:vt.损坏,伤害Vegetables were touched by the frost (霜冻). 蔬菜被霜冻伤了。
395 . treat  熟义:vt. 对待;处理;治疗生义:(不同一般的)乐事,享受Her son's visit are a great treat for her. 她儿子的来访对她来说是一大乐事。生义:n.请客,做东It's my treat this time.这次我请客。
396. turn to熟义:转向生义:求助于They always turned to me when they were in trouble.当他们遇到麻烦的时候,总是来找我。
397.in turn熟义:依次,轮流生义:反过来Theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice.理论的基础是实践,又反过来为实践服务。
398. twist  熟义:v. 使弯曲变形生义:v. 蜿蜒前进,曲折前进The river twisted toward the sea.  这条河蜿蜒流向大海。
399. travel  熟义:v./n. 旅行生义:v. (以某速度)传播The news traveled fast.消息传得很快。


400.understand 熟义:vt. 理解生义:vt. 知悉,了解I understand that you are planning to go to Africa.我知道你打算去非洲。
401.uniform    熟义:n. 制服,校服生义:adj.全部相同的The boxes are uniform in weight.这些箱子重量均匀。
402.undertake  熟义:v. 承担,从事生义:v. 承诺,答应I can't undertake that you will make a profit.  我不能保证你会获利。


403.vain  熟义:adj. 徒劳的,没结果的生义:adj.虚荣的,自视过高的She is vain of her beauty.她对自己的美貌感到骄傲。
404. vehicle  熟义:n. 交通工具生义:n.媒介,载体We must find out the vehicle of the disease at first.我们必须首先找出疾病的传播媒介。
405.vote  熟义:n. v. 投票生义:v. 建议,主张I vote(that)we go home.我建议回家。


406.walk  熟义:v./n.  行走,步行生义:n.  行业This society welcomes people from all walks of life.  这个社会欢迎各行各业的人。
407. wander  熟义:v. 漫游,游荡,漫步生义:v. 偏离,走偏(道路、航线等)Don't wander from the point.  不要偏离主题。生义:v.走神,神志恍惚Her thoughts wandered back to her youth.她的思绪回到了年轻的时候。
408.wear  熟义:v. 穿,戴生义:v. 磨坏His clothes began to wear.他的衣服磨坏了。生义:v.  经磨,耐用You'll find this material won't wear.你会发现这种材料不耐穿。生义:v. 蓄(须),留(发)The old man wears a heavy beard.这位老人留着浓密的胡子。生义:v.流露,面带(某种表情)The girl always wears a happy smile. 这个女孩总是面带幸福的笑容。
409.weigh  熟义:v. 称,称……的重量生义:v. 认真考虑,权衡You must weigh the benefits against the cost.你一定要权衡利益与成本二者的得失。
410.weight熟义:n. 重量,分量,体重生义:n.影响力,重要性How much weight will be attached to his decision?  他的决定有多重要?
411.while熟义:当…时候生义:尽管,虽然While she is a likeable girl, she can be difficult to work with.尽管这姑娘很可爱,但在一起工作却很难配合。
412.will熟义:v.将,将要生义:n.意志,决心,毅力His iron will forced us not to give up. 他的坚强意志迫使我们不放弃。 生义:n. 遗嘱What did it say in the will?遗嘱上写了什么?
413.work  熟义:n.工作;(书/画/音乐)作品生义:v. 起作用Yes,I think your plan will work.是的,我想你的计划会奏效的。生义:vt.  管理The young man worked a large farm. 这个年轻人管理一个大农场。
414. workshop  熟义:n. 车间,工场生义:n.讲习班,研讨班I attended a educational workshop not long ago. 不久前我参加了一个教育研讨会。
415.work out熟义:算出;制定出生义:解决Things will work out if you have patient.如果你有耐心,事情会得到圆满解决的。生义:理解I can't work out the meaning of this poem.我不能理解这首诗的含义。
416. whip熟义:n. 鞭子,皮鞭  v .鞭打,抽生义:v. 快速移开,快速拿走She whipped it into her pocket.她把它迅速塞进口袋。
417. wicked  熟义:adj. 邪恶的,恶劣的生义:adj.淘气的,调皮的Dave used to be a wicked child when he was young. 戴夫小时候是个淘气的孩子。
418. wit  熟义:n. 智力,才智生义:n.风趣His remarks if filled with wits.  他说话很风趣。
419.wrap  熟义:n. vt.  包,裹生义:n.围巾,披肩Mind you wrap up well if you go out.  如果你出去,请注意穿好衣服。


420.yield  熟义:n. 产量,收益 v. 生产,出产生义:vi. 让步,屈服I would rather die than yield.我宁死也不屈服。
421. yard熟义:n. 院子,庭院生义:n. 码Can you still buy cloth by the yard in Britain?  在英国,你还能按尺码买布吗?年年都考!高中英语熟词生义最全汇总(下),图片,第2张

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