1) The father and his son often

1) The father and his son often,第1张

1) The father and his son often go swimming on weekends.
2) The father with his son often goes swimming on weekends.
而句2)主语部分的结构才是困扰我们问题所在。如果不理解并列连词和介词的使用本质区别,单从词语的汉语意思考虑问题(and和with都有“和”的汉语意思),势必会把the father with his son理解成类似于the father and his son的用语结构。
不同于并列连词的并列连接,介词在词语间的“连接”是主从关系的“连接”。这种主从关系可以具体理解成一词语对另一词语的定语修饰或状语修饰。因此在句2)The father with his son often goes swimming on weekends.中, 通过介词with的“连接”作用,与his son产生关系的词语有the father和谓语动词goes。
第一 介词短语with his son修饰the father, 构成名词短语the father with his son。单数形式的the father是该短语的核心,即真正的主语。
第二 介词短语with his son修饰谓语动词goes,表示伴随(状语的位置在句中是比较灵活的)。真正的主语还是单数形式的the father。如将句子的书写形式变成: The father often goes swimming with his son on weekends. ,with his son修饰谓语动词goes的状语作用就清晰可辨了。1) The father and his son often,第2张1) The father and his son often,第3张1) The father and his son often,第4张1) The father and his son often,第5张1) The father and his son often,第6张1) The father and his son often,第7张
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