恭喜发财 May you be happy and prosperous

恭喜发财 May you be happy and prosperous,第1张

努力赚钱的意义:年轻时,不拖累生你的人,年老时,不拖累你生的人。The meaning of trying to make money: when you are young, don't drag the people who gave birth to you, when you are old, don't drag the people who gave birth to you.这个世界赚钱很容易,但生活中最难的不是赚钱,而是一直赚钱。Making money is easy. It is. The difficult thing in life is not making it, it’s keeping it.赚钱是成年人最大的体面,通往诗和远方的路上,既需要情怀,更需要路费。Making money is the greatest dignity of adults. On the way to poetry and distance, we need both feelings and tolls.人生之事,如果合乎理想,就是我们的祝福。若不然,则视为经验。生活不外乎四句话:活着就是胜利,赚钱是唯一的游戏,健康是唯一的目的,快乐是唯一的意义。Life, if the ideal, is our blessing. If not, it is regarded as experience. Life is nothing more than four words: living is victory, making money is the only game, health is the only purpose, happiness is the only meaning.人们都说,富人在“赚”钱,穷人在“挣”钱。单从偏旁部首来看,富人是用钱生钱,穷人只会用手挣钱。就挣钱的速度来看,穷人永远也赶不上富人钱滚钱复利的增速,这就是运用杠杆icon借力的结果。People say that the rich are 'making' money while the poor are 'making' money. Judging from the radical, the rich make money with money, while the poor only make money with their hands. As far as the speed of earning money is concerned, the poor will never catch up with the growth rate of the rich's money and compound interest, which is the result of Leverage.人生不过是一场旅行,你路过我,我路过你,然后各自向前,各自修行。有的人,一辈子只做两件事:不服,争取;所以,越来越好。也有人,一辈子只做两件事:等待,后悔;所以,越混越差。俗话说得好,挣钱是技术,花钱是艺术;能不能挣钱看智慧,会不会花钱看品味。所谓智者,不过是耐得住,伤得起,拿得下,放得开,看得准,活得透;余生不长,对自己好点,也对身边的人好点,因为下辈子不一定能遇上。Life is just a journey. You pass me, I pass you, and then move forward and practice independently. Some people only do two things in their life: don't accept, fight for; So it's getting better. Others only do two things in their life: wait and regret; Therefore, the more mixed, the worse. As the saying goes, earning money is technology and spending money is art; Whether you can earn money depends on wisdom, and whether you can spend money depends on taste.The so-called wise man is just patient, can hurt, can hold down, can open, can see accurately, can live thoroughly; The rest of your life is not long. Be good to yourself and the people around you, because you may not meet them in the next life.时间,是一个人与生俱来的唯一财富。而杠杆,是让单位时间更值钱的最终奥秘。真正的财富逻辑,是你拥有在时间的长河里源源不断找到、置换、持有会赚钱的杠杠资产的能力。可我们这些普通人大部分都不知道如何才能找到这种能力,即使意识到了,也很难通过持久自虐这一关的。Time is the only wealth a person is born with. Leverage is the ultimate secret to making a unit of time more valuable. The real logic of wealth is your ability to find, replace, and hold profitable assets over time. But t most of us ordinary people don't know how to find it, and even if we do, it's hard to get through sustained self-abuse.富人和穷人的最大区别在哪里?富人,是花钱买时间。穷人的特点是花时间挣钱,如果挣不到钱,那就花时间省钱。What is the biggest difference between the rich and the poor?Rich people spend money to buy time.The characteristic of poor people is to spend time to earn money. If they can't earn money, they will spend time and save money.这个时代想致富, 不再是靠体力, 更不是靠一天熬十二个小时加班, 而是靠你思维方式的改变! 观念一改变,出路一大片! 这是一个观念知识致富的时代。 你在意还是不在意, 相信还是不相信, 都是一个铁定的事实, 辛苦不赚钱,赚钱不辛苦 !! 要想人生总辉煌, 不同时期要改行。 要想人生总富有, 必须紧跟趋势走。In this era, getting rich is no longer dependent on physical strength, nor on working overtime for twelve hours a day, but on the change of your way of thinking! As soon as the concept changes, there will be a big way out! This is an era of getting rich with ideas and knowledge. Whether you care or don't care, believe or don't believe, it is an absolute fact that hard work is not hard to make money!! If you want to be brilliant in life, you should change your career at different times. If you want to be rich in life, you must follow the trend. 恭喜发财 May you be happy and prosperous,第2张
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