

In vitro production of infectious Plasmodium falciparum sporozoites

作者:Eappen, Abraham G., Li, Tao, Marquette, Meghan, Chakravarty, Sumana, KC, Natasha, Zanghi, Gigliola, Hoffman, Benjamin U., Hettiarachchi, Hashani, Patil, Asha, Abebe, Yonas, Tran, Christiane, Yossef, Alemtaye A., McWilliams, Ian, Morrison, Robert D., Rathakrishnan, Ayyappan, Inbar, Ehud, Aly, Ahmed S. I., De La Vega, Patricia, Belmonte, Maria, Sedegah, Martha, Wai, Tint, Campo, Joseph J., King, Harley, Kappe, Stefan H. I., Li, MingLin, Billingsley, Peter F., Sim, B. Kim Lee, Hoffman, Stephen L.


An effective vaccine is needed for the prevention and elimination of malaria. The only immunogens that have been shown to have a protective efficacy of more than 90% against human malaria are Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) sporozoites (PfSPZ) manufactured in mosquitoes (mPfSPZ)1,2,3,4,5,6,7. The ability to produce PfSPZ in vitro (iPfSPZ) without mosquitoes would substantially enhance the production of PfSPZ vaccines and mosquito-stage malaria research, but this ability is lacking. Here we report the production of hundreds of millions of iPfSPZ. iPfSPZ invaded human hepatocytes in culture and developed to mature liver-stage schizonts expressing Pfalciparum merozoite surface protein 1 (PfMSP1) in numbers comparable to mPfSPZ. When injected into FRGhuHep mice containing humanized livers, iPfSPZ invaded the human hepatocytes and developed to PfMSP1-expressing late liver stage parasites at 45% the quantity of cryopreserved mPfSPZ. Human blood from FRGhuHep mice infected with iPfSPZ produced asexual and sexual erythrocytic-stage parasites in culture, and gametocytes developed to PfSPZ when fed to mosquitoes, completing the Pfalciparum life cycle from infectious gametocyte to infectious gametocyte without mosquitoes or primates.


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