双城记 | 新学校的午餐菜单

双城记 | 新学校的午餐菜单,第1张

双城记 | 新学校的午餐菜单,第2张





Sometimes I am moved by the most unexpected things. 


I mean, you could tell me a pretty good joke but I might sit there with a rigid, expressionless face and say, 'Yeah, I guess that was funny?'


Or you could tell me I'm the worst person in the world and I'd silently consider the statement for a minute before replying, 'Am I supposed to take that personally?' 


My wife sometimes says I'm like a stone. Which seems like an accurate enough metaphor.


But show me my son's lunch menu, tell me what he eats for for his midday meal… and I'm reduced to a weeping heap. Is 'reduced’ the right word? Maybe 'elevated’ is better. 'Where are the tissues?' I say. 'Someone please pass me a Kleenex!'


The other day the school sent out a mass email to parents, informing us of the children's updated lunch menu.


Not knowing what was about to hit me, I opened the attachment.

Roast chicken with stuffing, breaded fish fingers, cheese and potato pie, homemade chicken curry...Lemon muffin, vanilla icecream, fruit yoghurt…


As I read down the list of meals, my lips began to tremble and my eyes watered.


When I realised what was happening, I started thinking about myself in the third-person. Look at him, I thought, getting emotional about his five-year-old son's lunch menu. Is he okay? Why, of all the world's needles, is this the one that has pricked his normally thick emotional skin?


In the movie version, the scene of me sitting at my laptop reading the menu, tears appearing in my eyes, would be intercut with flashbacks of when my son was a baby and I sometimes fed him with a bottle and later on his early messy attempts at using a spoon to feed himself…


Those days are gone, those days are over. Now he is out there in a distant room, choosing roast beef over cheese and potato pie on a Wednesday.


'Do you know what I had for lunch today, daddy?’


'I don’t.’


'I had chicken curry.’


'Did you eat it all up?’


'I did. I like chicken curry now.’


Yesterday he returned home with a book. Every week they get to borrow two books from the school’s library. This book described the life cycle of robins from the perspective of a male. We read it together after dinner.


At the beginning, the male robin is in a garden singing to tell other male robins to stay away. Later he sings again but this time to attract a female robin. When one arrives he gives her a worm. The pair decide to start a family and the female robin builds a nest from dead leaves, grass and moss. She lays four eggs and sits on them to keep them warm. After two weeks the chicks hatch from the eggs and their mother and father catch insects. A photo shows the four chicks with their beaks wide open waiting for their parents to feed them. When the chicks are two weeks old they can jump from the nest but still cannot fly. Instead they flap their wings to ask their parents for food. After a few days the chicks learn to fly and when they are eight weeks old they fly away, leaving their parents in the garden.


'Will you fly away from us one day?’ I asked my son.


'No, I want to stay with you forever,’ he said.


'But maybe you’ll want your own house when you’re grown up?’


'When I’m a grown up will you still be around?’


'I will.’


When he was younger, probably two-years-old, he used to think that as he grew older, as he grew up, my wife and I would get small again, that we’d turn into children and then babies again, and when that happened, when he was big and we were small, he would look after us.E

审 | 周春伦

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双城记 | 新学校的午餐菜单,第3张
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