


1. “人 + be + 数字 + ( years old )”表“某人多少岁了”。
  如: The little girl is eight (years old)。 这个小女孩 8 岁了。
  She is only one and a half (years old)。 她只有一岁半。
  2. “ one’s age + be + 数字”表“某人的年龄是多少。
  如: My grandma’s age is eighty. 我奶奶已 80 高龄了。
  Their ages are eleven and thirteen. 他们的年龄是 11 岁和 13 岁。
  3. “ in one’s + 整十数的复数形式”表“某人的岁数是多少了”。
  如: (be) in one’s teens 十几岁( 13-19 岁)
  (be) in one’s twenties / thirties / forties / … 二十多岁 / 三十多岁 / 四十多岁……
  如: In the 1870s, when Marx was already in his fifties, he round it important to study the situation in Russia, so he began to learn Russian. 在 19 世纪 70 年代,马克思五十多岁时,他认为研究俄国的形势很重要,便开始学习俄语。
  4. 表“不确定的岁数”时,可借助介词 above, over below, under, nearly, close to, between … and 等。
  如: over / above thirty 三十多岁
  below / under thirty 不到三十岁
  nearly / close to thirty 将近三十岁
  about / around thirty 大约三十岁
  Their English teacher is between 20 and 30. 他们英语老师的年龄在二十岁至三十岁之间。
  5. 一年四季可用来象征人一生的不同时期。
  如: ( 1 ) the spring 可指人的“青春期”。
  如: It’s easy for middleschool students to grow tall because they are in the spring of the life. 处于青春期的中学生易长高。
  ( 2 ) the summer 指“壮年时期”。
  如: My English teacher is in the summer of his life and he works very hard. 我的英语老师正当壮年,他工作很努力。
  ( 3 ) the autumn 指“中年或暮年”。
  如: When Karl Marx was in the autumn of his life, he began to study Russian. 当马思克中年时,他才开始学俄语。
  ( 4 ) the winter 指“老年”。
  如: Our maths teacher is in the winter of his life, but he still likes maths very much. 我们的数学老师年老了,但他仍十分喜欢数学。

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