


  Part I:单词与短语
  dentist n.牙医;impossible adj.不可能的;pull out a tooth(动词结构)拔掉一颗牙;cotton wool 药棉;collect vt.收集;match box火柴盒;collection n.收集,收藏;grow v.成长,增长;in answer to one’s question作为对某人问题的回答;nod v.点头;make strange noises(动词结构)弄出奇怪的声响;meanwhile adv.与此同时;tongue n.舌头;be busy doing sth.忙着做某事;search out 动词短语)搜出;hole n.洞;remove vt.移开,去除;pull out the wrong tooth拔错牙
  Part II:语法学习
  示例:I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole.
  示例:My tongue was busy searching out the hole where the tooth had been.(where = in the hole,所以,我们也可以用in which来替换where,因为它们的含义是一致的)
  Part III:综合训练
  Dentists always ask questions (1) it is impossible for you (2) answer. My dentist (3) just pulled out one of my teeth (4) (5) told me (6) rest (7) a while. I tried to say something, (8) my mouth was full of cotton wool. He knew I collected match boxes (9) asked me (10) my collection was growing. He then asked me (11) my brother was (12) (13) I liked my new job in London. (14) answer to these questions, I either nodded (15) made strange noises. (16), my tongue was busy (17 search) out the hole (18) the tooth (19) been. I suddenly felt very (20 worry), (21) could not say anything. (22) the dentist at last removed the cotton wool (23) my mouth, I was able to tell him (24) he (25) pulled out (26) wrong tooth.
  (1) when; (2) to; (3) had; (4) and; (5) had; (6) to; (7) for; (8) but; (9) and; (10) whether//if; (11) how; (12) and; (13) whether; (14) In; (15) or; (16) Meanwhile; (17) searching; (18) where; (19) had; (20) worried; (21) but; (22) When; (23) from; (24) that; (25) had; (26) the
  Part IV:句子翻译
  1. 牙医们总是在你不可能作答的时候问问题。
  2. 我的牙医刚给我拔了一颗牙并告诉我休息一会儿。
  3. 我竭力想要说点什么,但我的嘴里满是棉球。
  4. 他知道我收集火柴盒,就问我我的收藏是否在增加。
  5. 他接着问我我弟弟怎么样啊,以及我是否喜欢我在伦敦的新工作。
  6. 要对这些问题作答,我要么点头,要么发出一些奇怪的声音。
  7. 与此同时,我的舌头在忙活着搜寻那颗牙原来所在的那个洞。
  8. 我突然感到非常担忧,但却什么也不能说。
  9. 当牙医终于把棉球从我嘴里取出时,我才得以告诉他他拔错牙了。
  1. Dentists always ask questions when it is impossible for you to answer.
  2. My dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while.
  3. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton wool.
  4. He knew I collected match boxes and asked me whether my collection was growing.
  5. He then asked me how my brother was and whether I liked my new job in London.
  6. In answer to these questions, I either nodded or made strange noises.
  7. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the tooth had been.
  8. I suddenly felt very worried, but could not say anything.
  9. When the dentist at last removed the cotton wool from my mouth, I was able to tell him that he had pulled out the wrong tooth.
  Part V:听力与口语训练
  Woman: Mary is fluent in English and she’s just started to learn French.
  Man: I hear she also knows a few words in Japanese and German.
  Woman: I’ve noticed that you get letters from Canada from time to time. Would you mind saving the stamps for me? My sister collects them.
  Man: My roommates already asked for them.
  Woman: This coffee never seems to taste quite right to me. Maybe we should buy a different brand.
  Man: Why not a new coffee pot?
  Man: We just saw Joe when we were in New York.
  Woman: Really? What’s new with him?
  Woman: These boxes are too heavy for me to move.
  Man: Here, I’ll give you a hand with them.
  Man: Are men’s suits on the seventh floor?
  Woman: No, they are here on the sixth. Seventh is houseware’s.
  Man: Dick seems to think this year’s football season will be disappointing.
  Woman: That’s his opinion. Most others think differently.
  Woman: I am going to India next month. Is there any advice you would like to give me on my first trip?
  Man: Well, see as much as you can because this is a country with a very different culture from ours.
  fluent adj.流利的;stamp n.邮票;taste vt.尝起来;brand n.品牌;coffee pot咖啡壶;give sb. a hand(动词短语)帮某人一把忙;houseware n.家庭用具;culture n.文化
  Part VI:快速阅读
  GM(转基因的) Foods
  The term(术语)GM foods refers to(指)those produced(生产)with the latest(最新的)genetic engineering(基因工程)techniques(技术). In 2000, countries that grew 99% of the global(全球的) GM crops(庄稼,粮食作物)were the United States, Argentina(阿根廷), Canada, and China. The next decade(十年)will see rapid(迅速的)development in GM products(产品). GM foods may solve(解决)many of the world’s hunger(饥饿)problems, and help protect(保护)the environment(环境). Yet there are many challenges(挑战)ahead(在前面)for governments(政府), especially(特别)in the areas(领域)of human and environmental(环境的)safety(安全), labeling(挂标签,贴标签) and consumer(消费者)choice(选择), ethics(伦理,道德), food security(安全), regulation(规则)and international policy(政策). Many people feel that genetic engineering is inevitable(不可避免的)and that such a technology(技术)should be put to use(付诸应用). However, others warn(警告)that we must take care(小心)to avoid(避免)causing(导致) unintentional(非故意的)harm(损害)to both human health and the environment as a result of(由于) our enthusiasm(热情)for this powerful(强大的)technology.

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