


APL American President Lines 美国总统轮船公司
  AW All water 全水路
  BAF Bunker adjustment factor 燃油附加费
  B/L Bill of Lading 提单
  CAF Currency adjustment factor 币值附加费
  CBM Cubic meter 立方米
  C&D Collected and delivered 运费已收和货物已交付
  C&F Cost and freight 成本加运费价
  CIF Cost,Insurracne and freight 成本加运费,保险价
  CIR Container Inspection Report 集装箱检验报告
  CSC International Convention for Safe Containers 国际集装箱安全公约
  CFS Container Freight Station 集装箱货运站
  CLP Container Load Plan 装箱单
  C/O Certificate of Origin 产地证明书
  CUFT Cubic feet 立方尺
  CY Container Yard 集装箱堆场
  DC Dry cargo Container 干货集装箱
  DDC Destination delivery charge 目的地交货费
  DES Destionation 目的港
  DG Dangerous goods 危险品
  D/P Documents against payment 付款交单
  D/R Dock Receipt 场站收据
  EDI Electronic data intercharge 电子数据交换
  ETA Estimated time of arrival 预计抵达时间
  ETD Estimated time of departure 预计离港时间
  ETS Estimated time of sailing 预计开航时间
  FAK Freight all kinds 均一费率
  FCL Full container load cargo 整箱货
  FEU Forty-foot equivalent unit 40尺集装箱
  FOB Free on board 离岸价

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