第七讲 词汇试题的命题规律和答题技巧1

第七讲 词汇试题的命题规律和答题技巧1,第1张

第七讲 词汇试题的命题规律和答题技巧1,第2张


1. The medicine is on sale everywhere. You can get it at ______ chemist’s.(1997年6月CET4)
  A) each   B) some   C) certain   D) any
  正确选项为D)。本题中前一句中的everywhere就决定了第二句中的空格处填(at) any (chemist’s)。

2. The manager spoke highly of _______such as loyalty, courage and truthfulness shown by his employees.(1998年1月CET4)
  A) virtues   B) features   C) properties   D) characteristics
  正确选项为A)。本句中as后面的名词loyalty(忠诚),courage(勇气)to truthfulness(实事求是)是对空格处名词进行的解释。本句中的三个名词归纳起来都属于人应当具有的"美德",所以本题的答案为A)。

3. I hope that you’ll be more careful in typing the letter. Don’t _______ anything.(1991年1月CET4)
  A) lack   B) withdraw   C) omit   D) leak
  正确选项为C)。前边的I hope that you’ll be more careful决定的后边的要填C)项omit,意思是"遗漏"。


1. Some old people don’t like pop songs because they can’t ______ so much noise.(1997年1月CET4)
  A) resist   B) sustain   C) tolerate   D) undergo
  正确选项为C)。本句从don’t like…,推出后边的can’t tolerate,表示"不能容忍"的意思。

2. The poetry of Ezra Pound is sometimes difficult to understand because it contains so many _______ references.(1997年1月CET6)
  A) obscure   B) acute   C) notable   D) objective
  正确选项为A)。通过结果"difficult to understand"推出正确项"obscure",意思是"含糊难解的"。其他三个选项的意思分别是:B)敏锐,剧烈的;C)显著的,明显的;D)客观的。

3. Being somewhat shortsighted, she had the habit of ______ at people.(1997年1月CET6)
  A) glancing   B) peering   C) gazing   D) scanning
  正确选项为C)。通过原因"short sighted"推出正确选项C) gazing,意思是"凝视,盯着"。

4.Since the matter was _____ extremely,we dealt with it immediately.(1998年1月CET4)
  A) tough   B) tense   C) urgent   D) instant

5. The shy girl felt _______ and uncomfortable when she could not answer her teacher’s questions.(1998年6月CET4)
  A) amazed   B) awkward   C) curious   D) amused
  正确选项为B)。句中and后边的uncomfortable 是空白处所填入词的近义词,所给四个选项中只有awkward(尴尬的,难堪的)与uncomfortable意思相近。


1. Even though he was guilty, the _____ judge did not send him to prison.(1997年1月CET6)
  A) merciful   B) impartial   C) conscientious   D) conspicuous
  正确选项为A)。有罪而没有被判刑,表明法官是一个"仁慈"的人。所以A)项正确。其他三项的意思分别是:B) 正直的、公正的;C) 有良心的;D) 显著的。

2._______their differences, the couple were developing an obvious and genuine affection for each other.(1998年1月CET4)
  A) But for   B) For all   C) Above all   D) Except for
  正确选项为B)。句中的their differences, obvious and genuine affection可确定选项中的转折词只能是for all,意思是"尽管"。

3. Most nurses are women, but in the higher ranks of the medical profession women are in a _______.(1997年6月CET6)
  A) scarcity(21%)   B) minority(43%)   C)minimum   D) shortage(23%)

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