大学英语四级考前2天冲刺: 作文预测(1)

大学英语四级考前2天冲刺: 作文预测(1),第1张

大学英语四级考前2天冲刺: 作文预测(1),第2张


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay. you should write at least 120 words following the outline given below:




Should cars be fallowed into College Campus?

Nowadays as our country’s economy develops faster and faster , private cars become in large number; of course, quite a few cars are heavily driven into College Campus.

In a significant way, take up students’ places for study, but actually affect their daily life and study-- for instance, this crowd of cars may make noise and emit filthy gas to choke us to death. And the campus is jammed with lines of cars and seems to be parking lot instead of an academic institute. So cars have been strictly prohibited into many College Campuses. It seems that this is not convenience to some persons, indeed this for the sake of our safe. Thus when someone enjoys convenience from modern tools, don't forget that it is dangerous to the students in the College Campus. Therefore, I agree that cars are not allowed into College Campus.

By and large, with their prices free falling more and more, cars will enter average families, and most Chinese will enjoy a luxurious lifestyle in their life. However, they are still prohibited to drive their cars into College Campus, which , I think, is a hard truth in the eyes of most people.

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