


Lesson 101 “Ex” Marks the Spot “前任女友”标记这一地点

  forestall vt. 预防,预防阻止

  foretell v. 预示,预测

  forge v. 锻造,制造;伪造

  forlorn adj. 凄凉的,被遗弃的

  formal adj. 正式的,形式的;合乎礼仪的(服装)

  format n. 模式,格式

  formation n. 形成,构成;编队

  formative adj. 形成中的,发展中的

  former adj. 以前的

  formidable adj. 令人敬畏的,可怕的

  formula n. 公式;规则;配方

  formulate vt. 系统地阐述(或提出)

  fort n. 要塞,堡垒

  forthright adj. 坦白的,直率的

  fortify v. 设防于,增强(体力、结构等)

  fortitude n. 坚韧,刚毅,勇气

  fortress n. 要塞,堡垒

  fortuitous adj. 偶然的,意外的

  fortunate adj. 幸运的

  fortune n. 财富,运气

  “We have to formulate a plan,” said Frank. “It appears that they have fortified their defense. Their soldier are in formation.

  Somehow, we need to enter their fort and recover the secret formula.”

  “To me, it looks more like a fortress,” said Gerald. “I can foretell the results if we try to enter by force. We need to discover the format of their identification cards. If we forge two identification cards, we can probably get past the first gate. Then we need to forestall the sentry from checking our cards through their computer.”

  “Between the two of us, I think you have a more formidable voice,” said Frank. “Maybe you can yell at him about something to distract him from checking our cards.”

  “Okay, I’ll try it.” said Gerald. “I think I’ll use the commanding voice I acquired during my formative years as a drill sergeant. I’ll accuse the sentry of not giving me the kind of formal greeting an officer deserves. Let us hope he lacks fortitude and that he shrinks like a cheap cotton tee shirt. We’ll need a lot of good fortune tonight.”

  “You’re already a fortunate man,” said Frank. “You have a beautiful wife waiting for you at home.”

  “I know,” Gerald said. “She had a forlorn expression when I left her three days ago. I think she knew I would be going on a dangerous mission. I wish I could be more forthright with her, but I can’t tell her anything about my job. I can’t believe she

  puts up with me.”

  “What I can’t believe is that you married my former girlfriend as a result of a fortuitous encounter,” Frank said. “Now, let’s pray for similar luck tonight.”

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白度搜_经验知识百科全书 » 8.30第101期托福英语学习:托福词汇101




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