

Passage 13
Cars are an important __1__ of life in the United States. __2__ most people feel that they are poor. Andeven if a person is poor he doesn’t feel really poor __3__ he has a car.

There are two main reasons the car become so __4__ in the United States. __5__ of all the country is a huge one and Americans like to move __6__ in it. The car provides the most comfortable and cheapest form of transportation. ___7__ a car people can go any place without spending a lot of money. The second reason cars are popular is the fact ___8__ the United States never developedan efficient and inexpensive form of public ___9__ . Long distance trains have never been as common the United States as they are in other parts of the world. Nowadays there is good system of airservice provided planes. But it is ___10__ expensive to be used frequently.

1. A. role B. part C. effect D. basis

2. A. without a car B. not with a car C. without no car D. with a car

3. A. although B. when C. whether D. but

4. A. qualified B. increasing C. developing D. popular

5. A. First B. Firstly C. At first D. The first

6. A. around B. on C. along D. forth

7. A. Through B. Since C. With D. As

8. A. which B. where C. that D. what

9. A. movement B. carriage C. shipping D. transportation

10. A. very B. so C. too D. as




【解析】本句的意思是“没有小轿车,大多数人会认为自己很穷。”without a car 相当于条件句if they don’t have a car.因此,选项A是正确的。


【解析】本句的意思同上。although 显然,when 当……,whether 是否,but 但是,由意思可见,最适合的当然是选项B。


【解析】本句的意思是“有三种原因可解释为什么小汽车在美国那么普及。qualified 合格的,increasing 增长的,developing 发展,popular流行的。因此,选项D是正确的。来源:www.examda.com


【解析】本题考核固定搭配,first of all 首先,上句既然说有三个原因,下面就开始一一介绍。因此,选项A是正确。


【解析】本句的意思是“美国人喜欢乘车到处走动。”move around四处游荡,正符合题意,因此,选项A是正确的。


【解析】“有车,人们可以去任何地方”。表示“有车”,通常可以用介词短词 with a car 相当于条件句, if they have a car。因此,选项C正确。


此句是一同位语从句,that引导同位语来说明 fact 的具体所指。因此,选项C是正确的。


【解析】public transportation 公共交通,movement 移动,carriage运输,shipping运输,从意思上看,选项D是正确的。


【解析】本题也是考核固定搭配 too...to...的用法,因此选项C正确。来源:www.examda.com

Passage 14

In the next 40 years, the percentage of people in the United States over the age of 65 is expected to double. __1__ the needs of this part of the populations a __2__ to the ingenuity (足智多谋) of America. To a __3__ degree, a society is judged by __4__ it cares for those who can no longer care __5__ themselves. High technology __6__ the most startling advances in helping the elderly. In __7__ to the well-known artificial heart implantation (移植),there are efforts underway to __8__ artificial lungs, livers, and bones.An electric ear is __9__ seventy-five percent effective. The implants will __10__ better medical care byreleasing minute doses of drugs into the body continuously.

1. A. Seeing B. Meeting C. Facing D. Matching

2. A. chance B. challenge C. call D. change

3. A. valuable B. comprehensive C. considerate D. considerable

4. A. how B. why C. who D. whom

5. A. with B. to C. upon D. for

6. A. protects B. profits C. proclaims D. promises

7. A. relation B. contrast C. addition D. proportion

8. A. discover B. promote C. assemble D. develop

9. A. thus B. still C. already D. yet

10. A. permit B. persist C. serve D. pursue

1. B。

meet needs 符合要求。


【解析】chance 机会;challenge 挑战;call 传呼;change 改变,因此,从意思上来看,只有选项B最符合题意。


【解析】valuable 有价值的;comprehensive 综合的;considerate 善解人意的;considerable 相当的。因此,选项D最合适。




【解析】表示“关心”可用短语care for。因此,选项D是正确。


【解析】protect 保护;profit 赚钱;proclaim 声称;promise。因此,选项D是正确的。


【解析】in relation to 与……相关联;in contrast with 相比较而言;in addition to 此外;proportion 比例。因此,选项C是正确的。


【解析】discover 发现;promote提高(提升);assemble 聚集;develop 开发。因此,选项D



【解析】thus 因此;still仍然;already 已经;yet 仍。以程度上看。选项C是正确的。


【解析】permit 允许;persist 坚持;serve 服务;pursue 追求,显然本题表示一种“可以做到”的意思。因此,选项A是正确的。

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