

1. I thought this book was a great help to my studies , but it proved _______.
A. to have no use B. of no use C. being of a little use D. of no any use
讲解:prove 后常接to be +形容词,of + n = adj 结构,而prove 后to be 可以省略,就形成prove of no use 意为“证明没有帮助(用处)”。
2. This kind of book ______ very useful but books of that kind _____ useless .
A. is ; is B. is ; are C. are ; is D. are ; are
讲解:此题考查主谓一致。this kind of … 和…of this kind 结构不一样,of … 短语是定语修饰前面名词,谓语数与所修饰词一致,也就是前句kind 作主语,后者books 为主语中心词。
3. It’s a _____ a difficult question ,so it’s _____ impossible for me to answer it .
A. so ; fairly B. too ; quite C. rather ; quite D. very ; rather
讲解:程度副词考查在单选、完形很常见,要注意搭配,rather 修饰单数名词,a/an 可放其前式后,如a rather difficult job ,或rather a difficult job ,而too, so 只能用于too/so a difficult job , impossible 常用quite修饰=completely , 意为“完全(根本)不可能”。
4. The foreign teacher Mr.Halt has a strange way of writing . Here’s a notice from him ,but no clear _____ of what he has written can be made at all .
A. explanation B. meaning C. idea D. sense
讲解:此题考查句子的结构和句意,后半句的意思是“……根本搞不清楚他写的是什么意思。”“make sense of …”是固定结构,意为“弄懂、理解、有意义”,可将句子按主动语态思维 We can make no clear sense of what he has written at all .
5. Congratulations _____ your success _____ the film , which reminds me _____ my childhood .
A. on ; in ; for B. for ; in ; about C. on ; in ; of D. for ; about ; of
讲解:此题考查介词搭配,这在完形、单选、改错及学生习作中是经常考查的内容,句型congratulations on sb. in sth ; remind sb. of sth
6. The reading materials will be given to _____ needs them .Of course you can take some .
A. no matter who B. whomever C. whoever D who
讲解:从句连词考查,to介词后是一个句子,缺少主语,故选whoever ,A项只能引导状语从句,此处是介词宾语从句,属于名词性从句,B项是宾格,不能作主语,D项意思不正确。
7. Never in my wildest dreams _____ lead to a career in the NBA, which has allowed me to give back to my people in Africa .
A. I thought the chance would B. I thought would the chance
C. did I think the chance would D. did I think would the chance
讲解:此题考查倒装句,否定词像never、not 、hardly 、little、no等为了强调或修辞需要提到句首,该句主谓部分要形成部分倒装,即把谓语部分中的助动词、系动词、情态动词提到主语的前面。
8. _______ the fog , we would not have missed our plane .
A. Because of B. In spite of C. In case of D. But for
讲解:虚拟语气考查题,would not have missed ,是与过去动作相反的虚拟结构,意为“我们不会错过飞机”,前面应是与事实相反的条件。A项“因为”不对,B项“尽管”不合适,C项“以防,万一有”也不对,只有选D。But for +n 意为“要不是,如果没有”完全符合题意。But for…就是引导虚拟条件,=without…,或if it had not been for …。
9. — Do you happen to have twenty dollars on you ?
— ______?
— I want to buy a reference book .
A. Do you want the money B. What will you want to do
C. How much D. What for
讲解:交际用语考查,这需要正确理解说话人意图,问话“有20美元吗?”对方问得是 “用钱干什么?”而不是“你想做什么?”也就是对目的提问,所以选D,全句应为“What do you want 20 dollars for ?”
10. _____Tom was worried seemed obvious to everyone present at the meeting .
A. What B. Which C. That D. How
讲解:此题考查名词性从句。分析句子成份,主语Tom was worried , 谓语seemed(系动词),obvious to …为表语。由此可见主语从句需要连接词才能构成,不能省略,句子完整故选C, that 在名词性从句中不充当成份,只引导从句。
11. — Excuse me ,could you tell me where I can make a call ?
— Sorry ,I am a stranger here .
— _____.
A. Thanks a lot B. That’s a pity
C. Thanks anyway D. I’m sorry to hear that
讲解:又是一道交际用语考查,anyway不管怎样,是一个副词,等于all the same,尽管没得到帮助,也要感谢。
12. The man _____ on bus was sent to a police station .
A. to be caught stealing B. caught to steal
C. who caught stealing D. caught stealing
讲解:此题考查非谓语动词,首先注意句型:“catch sb. doing …”抓住某人正在做某事,此处被抓住的人应为who was caught stealing,省略who was 为过去分词作定语表被动。
13. The villagers , _____ had been damaged by the Hurricane Katirina(卡特里娜飓风), were given help by the Red Cross.
A. whose all houses B. all their houses
C. all of their houses D. all of whose houses
讲解:定语从句考查,这是较难的一个非限定定语从句结构,句意为“村民的所有房子all of the villagers’ houses”,D项whose 代the villagers’, 并引导定语从句,A项whose 不能置all 之前,B、C项不能引导定语从句。
14. The weather turned out to be very good ,_____ was more than we could expect .
A. it B. which C. that D. /
讲解:同样是非限定定语从句考查,which 的先行词为全句,这种从句一般为非限定定语从句,由逗号分开。
15. _____ everywhere, the wolves had nowhere _____ themselves.
A. Hunting ; hide B. Hunting ; to hide C. Hunted ; hiding D. Hunted ; to hide
讲解:考查非谓语动词。第一空是过去分词作原因状语与wolves是被动关系=As the wolves were hunted everywhere,第二空to hide 作定语修饰nowhere,句型是have sth. to do,此处意为“没有任何地方可以藏”。

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