


55.do sb a favor / give sb a hand 帮某人忙

  56.feel like doing sth / would like to do sth 想要做某事

  57.be fit / suitable for sth 适合,胜任

  eg. Mary believes that she is fit for the new job. / 玛丽相信她可以胜任新的工作。

  58.be fond of doing sth 对做某事感兴趣

  59.force sb to do sth / make sb do sth / have sb do sth / get sb to do sth / let sb do 迫使某人做某事,让某人做某事

  60.give out / give away / give up / give in / give off / give back 分发/ 送人/ 放弃/ 屈服/ 释放气体/ 归还

  eg. I saw a man giving out pamphlets on the street. / 我刚看见一个人在街道上正发传单。

  eg. When I grow up, I give away all my toys to my brothers. / 我长大后,把所有的玩具都给了我弟弟。

  eg. Cars give off much poisonous gas every day. / 汽车每天释放出很多有害气体。

  61.learn / know sth by heart 背诵,牢记在心

  62.help oneself to sth / cannot help doing sth / cannot help to do sth 随便吃/ 禁不住做某事/ 不能帮忙做某事

  63.hold on / hold up 坚持,稍等/ 阻塞

  64.insist on / persist in / stick to 坚持

  65.knock at the door / knock into the wall / knock out sb / knock sth off / knock sth over 敲门/撞墙/打晕某人/把……打掉/ 把……撞倒

  eg. Who has knocked the vase off the shelf? / 谁把花瓶从架子上弄掉的?

  66.let out the secret / keep sth a secret 泄密/ 保守秘密

  67.before long / long before / it is not long before …很久之前/ 不久之后/ 不久之后便……

  eg. It was not long before I realized that how foolish I was at that time. / 不久之后我便意识到我当时是多么的愚蠢。

  68.be made up of / consist of / contain / include 由……构成/ 包含,包括

  eg. The class is made up of fifty students. / The class consists of fifty students. / The class contains/ includes fifty students. / 这个班由五十名学生组成。

  69.mean to do sth / mean doing sth 打算做某事/ 意味着做某事

  eg. I didn't mean to hurt you by telling you the truth. / 我告诉你真相并不是打算要伤害你。

  eg. It means killing me that you lie to me. / 对我撒谎就意味着要杀了我。

  70.in badly need of / in lack of / in want of 急需,缺乏

  71.have nothing to do with sb / it is none of sb's business 和某人没关系/ 不管你的事

  72.object to sth / doing sth 反对某事/ 反对做某事

  73.an idea occur to sb 某人突然想到一个主意

  eg. An idea occurred to Tom that he can hide himself under the bridge. / 汤姆突然想到他可以藏在桥底下。

  74.owe sth to 把……归功于

  eg. He owed all his success to the supports from his family. / 他把成功归功于家人的支持。

  75.pay sb some money for sth

  76.sth cost sb some money

  77.sb spend some money on sth / in doing sth

  78.it takes sb some money to do sth

  79.take place / take one's place / take the place of sb 发生/ 取代某人/ 取代某人

  80.practise doing sth 联系做某事

  81.provide sb with sth / provide sth for sb 向某人提供某物

  82.on purpose 故意

  83.rather than / other than 而不是/ 除了,不同于

  eg. He bought the red tie rather than the green one. / 他买了那条红领带而不是那条绿色的。

  eg. He never speaks to me other than to ask for something. / 他除了向我要东西,从不和我说话。

  eg. She seldom appears other than happy. / 她很少有不高兴的时候。

  84.refer to 指的是,提及

  85.play a role in 在……扮演一个角色,在某方面起作用

  86.make room for 为……腾地方

  87.see sb off / meet sb at the station 为某人送行/ 去车站接某人

  88.send out / send for a doctor / send off / send up / 派出/ 派人去请医生/ 发出气体/ 发射

  89.make sense 有意义

  eg. What you have said makes no sense. / 你刚才说的话都是废话。

  90.sentence sb to death / stone sb to death / starve sb to death 判某人死刑/ 用石头把某人打死/ 饿死某人

  91.be similar to 与……相似

  92.sooner or later 迟早

  93.stop sb from doing sth / keep sb from doing / prevent sb from doing 阻止某人做某事

  94.suffer from sth 遭受……痛苦

  95.be sure to do sth 有信心做某事

  eg. She is sure to win the first prize in the competition. / 她有信心在比赛中获胜。

  96.make sure 确保,确定

  eg. When you leave the room, make sure that all the windows are shut.

  97.it is certain that 毫无疑问的是……

  98.tear sth into pieces 把……撕成碎片

  99. all the time / all the same / all the best / all the way 一直/ 同样/ 一切都好/ 千里迢迢

  eg. He came all the way by air in order to watch the finals. / 他一路飞来,为的就是看最后的决赛。

  100. be tired of doing / be tired from doing 厌倦做某事/ 因某事感到劳累

  101. keep in touch with sb / lose touch with sb 和某人保持联系/ 和某人失去联系

  102. turn to sb for help 向某人寻求帮助

  103. make oneself understood 使自己被别人理解

  104. used to do sth / would 过去常常

  105. be used to doing sth / be accustomed to doing sth 习惯做某事

  106. be used to do sth / get used to do sth / be used for sth 被用来做某事

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