

  You can buy from a scalper.
  对 话   Danny: I'm so pleased, I've got a ticket for the Cup final.
  Rod: What! How did you get hold of that?
  Danny: My brother works for the Soccer Association so I got it through him.
  Rod: I'm desperate to go. Could you get one for me?
  Danny: I'm afraid he only had the one spare. You can buy from a scalper outside the ground.
  Rod: That's too risky. It would cost a huge amount and it could easily be a fake. I'll just have to stay home and watch it on the box.
  丹尼:真开心, 我弄到一张世界杯决赛入场券。
  丹尼:我哥哥在足球协会任职, 我是托他弄到手的。
  丹尼:我哥哥恐怕只剩这一张。你不妨到球场外, 试试买张黄牛票。
  罗德:那太危险了, 黄牛票非常昂贵, 而且很可能是假的。 我只能待在家里看电视了。
  卖黄牛票者,英文叫(ticket) scalper,英式英文则叫(ticket) tout,例如:The scalpers got hold of the best tickets, which they sold at several times their face value.(卖黄牛票者弄到了的入场券,要价比票面价钱高几倍)。 作动词,tout 本是指‘兜售’,引申解作‘卖黄牛票’,倒也恰当;scalp原意则是‘杀人后剥下头皮作战利品’,用以比喻‘卖黄牛票’,更加恰当,例如:As the match was about to begin, he was still scalping/touting the tickets for a lot more than what he had paid for them.(比赛快开始了,他卖黄牛票,要价仍比他原来买票的价钱高得多)。
  丹尼对罗德说:You can buy from a scalper outside the ground。那ground不是指一般土地,而是指运动场,例如soccer ground(足球场)、cricket ground(板球场)等。The police cracked down on the ticket scalpers outside the soccer ground即‘警方严厉对付足球场外卖黄牛票者’。
  ‘足球’在美国叫soccer,美国以外则叫football。Soccer一字,出于the London Football Association(伦敦足球协会)这个名称。协会十九世纪后期成立,制定球赛规则,所以足球运动也叫association football。只取association中的soc三个字母,不易发音;加上cer,就成为顺口的soccer了。
  罗德说黄牛票可能是假票:It could easily be a fake。Easily除了解作‘轻易地’,还有‘很可能’的意思,例如:We may easily be late if we don't hurry(我们不快一点的话,很可能就会迟到)。

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