


第二部分 from bacterium to cross twist

bacterium n. bacteria 细菌
balance n. 天平;秤
The child couldn't keep his balance on his new bicycle 孩子骑在他的新自行车上不能保持平衡。来源:www.examda.com
You have to balance the advantages of living downtown against the disadvantages. 你必须权衡住在市中心的利弊。
He lost his balance and fell over. 他失去平衡,所以跌倒。
The growth of the new political party upset the balance of power. 新政党的壮大打破了力量的均势。
We try to strike a proper balance between the entirely demands of the two parties. (喻) 双方要求截然不同,我们力图在其间寻找适当的处置方法。
a bank balance银行余额
The balance of the wages was devoted to new books on flower culture. 剩下来的工资全用来购买花卉栽培的新书上了。
May I take the balance of my holidays next month? 我能否在下个月使用还没休完的假期?
You may keep the balance. 找头你留着吧。
bent test 弯曲实验
bent 1 [bent]v. bend 的过去式和过去分词
bent adj. 欺诈的;同性的;同性恋爱的;(与on连用)下决心…的 (= bent upon)
bent n. 弯形,弯度;(与for连用)爱好,才能
She has a natural bent for music.她有音乐天赋。
bent 2 [bent]n. 荒草牧场;硬草,苇草
biochemical adj. 生物化学的
bird flue/avian influenza 禽流感
flue [flu:] n.烟洞, 烟道, 暖气管, 蓬松的东西, 渔网
avian adj.鸟类 n.鸟
influenza n.流行性感冒
blood serum n. [生化]血清

bovine spongiform encephalopathy(BSE)\ abbr.牛绵状脑病 (bovino spongiform encephalopathy);俗称“疯牛病”

breakage n.
破坏, 裂口, 破损处
【电】断路, 断线; 击穿; 故障
[常用复]破损物; 损耗量; 破损费

breakage allowance 【商】破损折扣
B-in the laboratory was excessive.实验室里损坏物件过多。
breaking strength\断裂强度

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