


本课您将学到:小case用处多,a sense of …,“好像”有所不同

  一个名叫World Database of Happiness的网站作了这样一个调查,探讨人们对生活的满足感与什么有关系?他们发现财富和幸福之间并没有必然联系,也就是说钱买不到幸福。一个明显的例子是关于那些因中彩票而一夜暴富的人的:

  In most cases, after the initial(最初的) joy had worn off, people were not left with a sense of lasting happiness. In fact, they tended to(有……的倾向) revert(回复) to the way they felt before they became rich.


  Perhaps happiness has something to do with where you live. The authorities(权威人士、专家) at the World Database of Happiness have surveyed(考察) levels of happiness in different countries.


  Family relationships in particular seem to be the key to long-term contentment.(满足) The Web site suggests that falling in love and having children are two of the situations that bring the greatest happiness.


  case使“案件、事例、情况”的意思,许多人都用“小case”做自己的口头禅,不是吗?所以In most cases就是“在大部分事例中”的意思。这个most可以被许多词替换,意思也因此发生细微的变化,比如:in the case of(在这个事例中,至于)In the case of a highly intelligent animal, elementary training is easy.就高度灵敏的动物而言,初级训练并不难。In any case(在任何事例中,无论如何)In any case, we will have to leave soon.无论如何,我们都得马上离开。

  Worn off是wear off的过去式,意思是“逐渐消失”,如:My mouth hurt after the anesthetic wore off. 随着麻醉剂逐渐消失我得嘴开始疼痛起来。

  a sense of lasting happiness意思是“长久的幸福感”。A sense of sth. 是一个很实用的短语,后面的sth用什么词,就表示“……感”,比如:幽默感a sense of humor,成就感a sense of achievement,责任感a sense of duty,etc.

  当最初的欣喜逐渐消失后,人们并没有留在长久的幸福感中,事实上,他们趋向于回复到重奖以前的心态。(they tended to revert to the way they felt before they became rich.)

  have something to do with sth.“与……有关系”,我们以前曾讲过这个句型。幸福会和你的居住地有关系吗?

  In particular意思是“特别地,尤其”,seem to be“好像”,这句话的意思就是:尤其家庭关系似乎是令人能长久满足的关键。这个网站指出坠入情网(falling in love)和生儿育女(having children)是给人们带来幸福的两大源泉。(are two of the situations that bring the greatest happiness注意:这里that引导的定于从句修饰situations)


  appear, look, seem都有“似乎”、“好象”的意思,在用法上,他们有也许多相同的地方:

  1、 Appear,look,seem其后都可以接名词,形容词,to be结构,可互换。如:

  He appeared (to be) happy at the news.他听到这个消息时,显得很高兴。
  The green leaves seemed more beautiful after the rain. 绿叶在雨后显得更加美丽。
  Now you look a grown-up young woman. 现在你看起来已经是个成年的女青年了。

  2、Seem, appear, look都可与介词短语连用。如:

  But nothing they did seemed of any use. 但他们的一切努力似乎都不起作用。
  He tried to appear at his ease. 他装出轻松惬意的样子。
  We walked along the street and looked in the windows of the shop. 我们沿着大街走,看看商店的橱窗。


  He appears quite strong.(其实他身体可能不强壮。)
  He seems quite strong.(的确他身体很强壮。)
  He looks quite strong.(可能他身体很强壮。)


  网站的专家们考察了许多不同国家人民快乐的程度,(levels of happiness in different countries)结果如下:

  Index of Happiness


  Sweden → 7.75
  U.S.A. → 7.24
  Singapore → 7.24
  Canada → 7.23
  China → 6.86
  Cuba → 6.40
  Mexico → 6.34
  France → 6.31
  Japan → 6.16
  Russia → 5.08
  India → 4.17

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