New seating plan (新的座位表)

New seating plan (新的座位表),第1张

New seating plan (新的座位表),第2张



  Dear students,

  I don't like an extra holiday like today (Why are there so many typhoon holidays this year?) because it makes me unable to finish the things that I plan to do. That is why I immediately came back to school when the typhoon signal number eight was replaced by signal number three. I had better give you this STS tomorrow so that you can write me something during your long weekend holiday.

  I have almost finished the job of drawing up a new seating plan. I have re-seated most of you according to your own choices. Of course, it may not be your first choice—— maybe it is your second or third choice. If you don't believe it, you may come to me and check the records of your own choices. If you have written down a wrong choice, I am sorry, I can do nothing about it. Be smart next time, Okay? There are three people who cannot be assigned a seat that is included in their choices. They are Eva, Carrie and Eric. I'm afraid they have to choose again from the eight remaining seats. But don't from the eight remaining seats. But don't forget next time they may enjoy priority over others in choosing a seat.

  It is a headache for most class teachers to draw up a seating plan because no matter how he does it, there must be complaints from students. The most common complaint is that the class teacher does not treat everyone fairly. I agree that most class teachers love some students more than others. There is no equal love. They may be inclined to give better seats to those students that they love more. But believe me——I did not do anything like this though I really want to help some of you to get a good seat. The method that I have just used. I strongly believe, is fair to most of you. However, to a few of you. it may be unfair for you to be seated once again in the middle of those who always talk. Well, I promise you —— I will try my best to make them not talk. I would like to remind those talkative students that they have made a promise. Be nice to those sitting next to you; they are eager to listen to what the teacher says.

  If you happen to be the unlucky one who gets a bad seat, keep hoping that some weeks later there will be a change. I agree that this world is unfair. Why did my elder brother have to die so early (at the age of 37)? He was a good man and he never did anything to harm others but he had to die in pain(cancer)。 Yes, this world is unfair but we should try our best to be fair to others. Do you agree with me?


  这里用了两个like,前者是动词,意思是“喜欢”;后者是介词,意思是“像……这样的”,相当于such as.


  ·… makes me unable to … √

  ·… makes me cannot … ×

  这里的 That is why 可用So或Therefore 代替。

  这里的 had better 并非过去时,它的意思是“……/还是以……为好”。



  maybe是副词,解作perhaps.切勿写作may be.

  另外一种说法是:There is nothing I can do.

  说 cannot be allocated也可,但如果用 cannot be given 则不太恰当,因为give并无分配的意思。


  ·the eight remaining(形容词) seats √

  ·the eight seats that remain(动词) √

  三种说法: take/has/enjoy priority over…均解作“比……有优先权”。


  ·there are complaints √

  ·there have complaints √

  ·there must be complaints √

  ·there must have complaints ×

  …does not treat everyone fairly 也可简单地写作…is not fair to everyone.

  inclined to 意思是“有倾向地做某事”暗示他们有点儿偏心。



  ·I strongly believe that … √

  ·I weakly believe that … ×

  ·I believe, though not strongly, that … √



  … to those sitting next=… to those who sit next

  listen 是不及物动词(intransitive verb),正确用法是:

  ·listen it×

  ·listen to it√

  留意happen的不同意义:I happened(刚巧)to be there when the accident happened(发生)。


  ·there is a change √

  ·there has a change ×

  ·there will be a change √

  ·there will have a change ×

  另外一种更能表现英语能力的说法是:he never did any harm to others.

  in pain 相等于painfully.


  English-style sentence structure



  1.The most common complaint is that the class teacher does not treat everyone fairly.

  2.I agree that most class teachers love some students more than others.

  3.I agree that this world is unfair.




  1.…I am sorry, I can do nothing about it.

  2.There are three persons who cannot be assigned a seat …

  3.It is a headache for must class teachers to draw up a seating plan.

  4.If you happen to be the unlucky one who …

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