




  An Interesting Match


  On Sunday morning, my sister, my cousin① and I went to the potato field, with a hoe(锄)and a basket.

  When we got there, my sister and my cousin both wanted to dig, and they began quarrelling.“What on earth can I do?”I thought and thought, and then got a good idea. I stopped their quarrel and said,“Now we will have a digging match. Both of you will enter the match. I will act as the judge. I will give the winner a prize. Do you agree with me?”“OK. OK,”they both said, laughing and jumping. Then they took off their jackets and got ready.

  The match began. My sister dug first. You could see she was putting her heart into it. She began digging with the hoe. Some potatoes came out. I picked them up and put them into the basket. She was working so hard that before long she reached the end of the row. There was sweat on her face. I told her to stop. Then my cousin began working. He dug as hard as my sister.

  When the match came to an end, I looked at the two lovely children, and had some trouble in deciding who should get the prize. Both had worked hard. It would be unfair for me to say one of them had worked slowly. But I had to keep my promise.

  “Both of you dug fast,”I said.“One will get a new book and the other will get a new pen.”At these words, they both held up their thumbs②,saying,“Our elder sister is really good.” They laughed and jumped again. Though it cost me a new pen and a new book, I felt pleased, too.



  ①cousin ['k)z+n] n.堂(或表)兄弟

  ②thumb [I)m] n.大拇指


  本文作者讲了自己在小弟妹们的竞赛中当裁判、守信用的事,这是一种激励孩子们有竞争意识的好办法。文章前三段都是讲述竞赛过程的,是文章的铺垫部分,直到倒数第二段最后一句才道出了文章的主题:I had to keep my promise.因此,才有最后一段弟妹对作者信任的称赞。

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