The Earth Is Our Only Home 3,第1张

The Earth Is Our Only Home 3,第2张

Some people imagine to leave this fearful world, only to come down to earth. Scientists tell us that of all the stars known in the vast universe, the earth is the only planet on which human beings can survive. But now we are facing the risky problems concerning our existence on earth.

  Worldwide environmental deterioration (恶化) is alarming. The earth is plagued with population explosion, energy crisis, lack of food, housing problem and environmental pollution. During the process of industrialization, human beings are pursuing crazily the benefits from the economic growth. Now we have suffered from the results. The overuse of natural resources has affected ecosystem(生态系统) on earth.

  Everyone loves his private home, whereas not everyone treasures our “public” home the earth. There would be no point in beautifying a private home if we no longer had a decent (合适的) planet to put it on. Protecting the earth is protecting ourselves. Don't change our only homeland into our last graveyard(坟墓)。 East, West, “earth” is best, because it is Noah's ark for human beings.

  核心剖析 引用了《圣经》中“诺亚方舟”(Noah's ark)的典故。用格言、谚语或习语等富有哲理性的语言总结全文,既言简意赅又有更强的说服力。此种结尾方法往往给人以语言平淡而情感强烈的印象,使人读来顿生感悟,给人以启迪和思考。

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