Mother,Please Give Me More Love

Mother,Please Give Me More Love,第1张

Mother,Please Give Me More Love,第2张

Dear mother, please give me more love!

  When I was a six-year-old girl, you left me and went to Shen Zhen City [the city of Shenzhen] (1)。 Now I'm a sixteenyear-old girl. I have grown up, but you have returned home only a few times in the past ten years.

  I was in Grade One at that time. I often saw other children go out for a walk with their parents together. How I wish that you could come back! But that was impossible, because you were far away from me. I often cried in my mind: Mother, please give me more love! I need your love, Mother. I want to live like other children! I wish to go out to play with you and Father. Why can other children live happily with their parents, while I can't?

  I always felt sad when I saw other children playing with their mothers. Ten years have passed quickly. I have changed much. I don't think as what I was thinking of at that time [Now I think otherwise] ( 2 )。 I am beginning to understand you. As a person, you must have your own work. That my mother, a common woman, can do well in business isn't so easy. I understand you. If I only think of myself and don't think of others, that is to say, I'm very selfish.

  Now I can only say:“Mother, please give me a little more love when you are free . When you are busy working , please don't think of me. You are a great woman! ”[“Mother, you are a great woman! But please give me a little more love when you are free, will you?”] (3)

  湖北省黄冈中学高一(2)班 杨兰

  评 语


  (1)“……市”,英语表达为:the city of…,如 the city of Beijing,不要受汉语影响写成…city.


  (3)结束语语义层次不够清楚,没有紧扣主题,另外,“When you are busy working,please don't think of me.”这句话也写得不自然,不恰当,故改之。

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