My Fathers Bike,第1张

My Fathers Bike,第2张

Vehicle has become more and more popular in the past few years. Many people have motorbikes. But, my father still rides his old bike. This afternoon, when I came back from school, I saw my father's bike against the wall. It is [was] (1) old and broken, but I remember it used to be very beautiful and take me to many places in my childhood. More than twelve years ago, when I was a child, my father usually took me to school with this bike. Now I noticed it was not as beautiful as before. I always think it would be better for rather to change a new one [change it for a new one] (2)。 However, he hasn't. I still remember that one day I had a high fever at midnight, and it was with thisbike that Father took me to the hospital at once.

  Now I am a student of senior high school. I have my own bike. Surely, it looks much more beautiful than my father's. But I don't know why I'm always feeling that my father's bike much fairer than mine [my father's bike is much more beautiful than mine] (3)。

  My father has done too [so] (4) much for me with it.

  People say,“The mother's love is the greatest.”But I think Father's love is equally the greatest.

  上海松江县第三中学高一(2)班 李欢颖

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