Bilingual Education Proved Successful

Bilingual Education Proved Successful,第1张

Bilingual Education Proved Successful,第2张

The third Bilingual Cup Competition was held last month among the three bilingual schools: Li Huili High School, Jianping High School and No. 1 High School affiliated to East China Normal University. [The Third Bilingual Cup Competition was held last month in Shanghai. Students from Li Huili High School, Jianping High School and No. 1 High School affiliated to East China Normal University, the city's three bilingual schools where both Chinese and English are used in various classes, took part in the competition.] (1)

  Mr. Pa Xinfu, vice-principal of Li Huili High School extended a warm welcome to all competitors.

  The first part of the competition was individual impromptu speech(即兴演讲)。 Each competitor was given two minutes to prepare for his topic. When they stood on the stage and faced so many people, some of them seemed to be nervous and afraid (2)。 But the contents of speeches attracted[their speeches interested] (3) the audience.

  The second part was group item: short plays. The performance was so wonderful that you could hardly believe that they were creations by the students themselves. (4)

  At the end of the competition, Mr. Wang Xingyang, professor from SISU(5) summed up the competition:“Every competitor has acted so marvellously that we find it difficult to decide who the winner is. This competition is very successful. This proves that our bilingual education has won some success. We should work hard to make further progress.”

  上海市李惠利中学初二(1)班 周怡琳

  评 语



  (2)新闻一定要客观,尽可能避免记者的主观意见。原文主观性较强,可改为some of them felt“nervous and afraid”, as they later said.



  The performance, according to some judges, was so wonderful…themselves.

  (5)缩写是新闻中常用的,但必须在有了前文的条件下才能用。因此,这里应改为Shanghai International Studies University(SISU)。这样,后面再提到这所学校,可用SISU.

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