范文:Time in Our World,第1张

范文:Time in Our World,第2张



  夏天一些国家将时钟比格林威治平时(G.M.T.)调快一小时。在英国,这称为英国夏令时间(British Summer Time)。它有助于人们充分利用清晨的阳光,而在晚上节约照明用电及燃料。



  在世界地图上我们会看到一条由北至南穿过太平洋的线。这就是国际日期变更线(the International Date Line)。为了避免造成混乱,这条假想线所经的大部分地区都是无人居住的海洋。


  Time in Our World

  In summer the clocks are kept one hour ahead of GMT in some countries. In Britain it is called British Summer Time. It helps people to make the best of early morning sunlight and to save lighting electricity and fuel at night.

  Although many countries use one time, time differs from country to country in terms of different longitude. People will be aware of the time difference when they are traveling by sea or by air.

  Suppose we set out from London by air at noon on a Monday and fly westwards. Let us also imagine that we fly as fast as the sun, so that it always remains exactly overhead. And when we cross Canada, the Pacific Ocean, Russia, Germany and back to London again, it is still noon, but it can not be noon on the same day because the earth has rotated once and one day has passed. Therefore, we have arrived again in London on Tuesday at noon. Where, on our journey, does the day change from Monday to Tuesday?

  A map of the world shows, in the Pacific Ocean, a line running from north to south. It is called the International Date Line. For the most part, this imaginary line passes through ocean areas to avoid confusion that would arise if it runs through the populated land.



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