Growing from our differences,第1张

Growing from our differences,第2张

To gain an understanding of practices by Muslims and their underlying significance, some non-Muslim members of the Young PAP and students from Special Assistance Plan schools visited some mosques on Hari Raya Haji.

  The tour was also a clear signal of the willingness of the Chinese to get to know the customs and habits of other ethnic groups.

  At a time when the importance of racial harmony has been stressed repeatedly, such a publicised visit may seem rather contrived. However, the message behind it is loud and clear: promoting mutual understanding and enhancing social cohesiveness.

  With racial harmony having become an issue, any step forward, whether taken by SAP school students or anyone from a different ethnic group, will help foster mutual trust and understanding among different communities. Such a positive manifestation of racial unity will also help reduce inter-ethnic suspicion.

  Children should be taught our ethnic diversity when they are young. They should learn to appreciate the distinctiveness of each ethnic community and grow up in an environment of mutual trust.

  In our multiracial society, it is a must for everyone to recognise the need to live with our differences. As the majority, the Chinese must take the initiative in demonstrating the interest, sincerity and need to reach out to and get to know other communities.

  In an atmosphere of mutual acceptance, we will come to view our differences in habits or even outlook of life as natural. This will consolidate the foundation of our multiracial society.

  On the other hand, playing down ethnic differences and creating a false sense of racial unity is impractical and worse still, risky.

  It is unhealthy not to face up to the reality that different ethnic groups may not have an adequate understanding of each other, and sweep any ill feelings or misunderstandings under the carpet.

  If we do not have a good understanding of other races, it is perhaps time to re-examine our attitude. We should acknowledge our differences and be comfortable with them.

  It is futile to advocate ethnic harmony when each group shuts the other out from its inner world. This will create faultlines that are not immediately apparent, but will decide the fate of our nation when it comes to the crunch.

  Each ethnic group has its own history, culture, values and moral standards. Just highlighting the common ground will not make these differences disappear. The beliefs, customs, and habits of our diverse communities will not vanish either because of some general and shared values that are supposed to transcend ethnicity.

  For any fruitful understanding to take place, the correct starting point is to recognise and maintain our distinctiveness that cannot be compromised.

  Our ethnic and cultural diversity is no doubt the envy of many countries. Yet we must be aware of the need to keep treading cautiously in managing inter-racial relations.

  We must also always be ready for open and honest communications. This is a basic attitude that will ensure our multiracial society will continue to thrive.

  At the same time, we would do well to remind ourselves that over-insistence on any particular stand, misconceptions that are not clarified and allowed to fester, turning a blind eye to divisive forces, and an attitude of exclusion, are all obstacles to racial harmony.

  (The writer is a leader writer with Lianhe Zaobao.Translated by Yap Gee Poh.)

  在彼此的不同中成长● 蔡深江















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