


  This time next week we shall be taking our exams.
  11、过去将来时 )
  (1) 由should/would + 动词原形构成。第一人称用should; 第二、三人称用would。美国英语所有人称一律用would. should/would 的简略形式为’d, 如I’d, you’d; would not 和should not的简略形式分别为wouldn’t 和shouldn’t.
  They asked me if I would go to Guangzhou soon. 他们问我是否很快要去广州。
  She told me she would come again next week. 她和我说她下周还来。
  I told him to leave immediately, but he wouldn’t. 我告诉他马上离开,但他不。
  He’d play the violin when he was in low spirits. 他情绪低落的时候,就拉小提琴。
  When I was in college, I would find a part-time job during the summer holidays every year to earn my tuition. 我上大学的时候,每年暑假都找份临时工挣学费。
  1)were/was going to + 动词原形,表示过去的安排、打算或确信某事会发生,多用于口语。如:
  I told her I was going to see her that afternoon. 我告诉她我那天下午要去看她。
  I was sure (that) they were going to do that. 我确信他们要做那件事。
  2)were/was to + 动词原形,表示安排,命令或后来将要发生的事。如:
  He didn’t know he was to become famous later on. 他不知道以后他会出名。
  They were to receive salaries from the government. 他们将接受政府的工资。
  She and I were to meet at an agreed place. 她和我将在一个约定的地方见面。
  3)were/was about to + 动词原形,表示正要、即将发生的事。如:
  Mrs. Brown was about to begin, but Jennie spoke first. 布朗夫人刚要开始,但是珍妮先说话了。
  He was about to say something more, but then checked himself. 他正要再说点什么,却又打住了。
  He waited until she was about to leave. 他一直等到她即将离开。
  12、将来完成时   (1)构成:shall/will + have + 过去分词
  By seven o’clock this afternoon we shall have got to Shanghai if the train keeps good line. 如果火车运行正常,我们今天下午七点就到上海了。
  Before bedtime Xiao Ming will have completed his work. 到上床睡觉的时候,小明会做完他的工作(或作业)。
  By February next year this foreign expert will have been here on this job for five years. 到明年二月,这个外国专家在这儿做这项工作就满五年了。
  By Sept. 2008 Beijing will have held/hosted the Olympic Games.  到2008年9月,北京将举行完了奥运会。
  翻译练习:   1)七月份你们再来时,他们就搬进新房子里去了。
  When you come again in July, they will have moved into a new house.
  By next May Day we shall have been together for a long time.
  I’m sure he will have settled/solved the difficulties before you arrive there.
  By July next year, I will have graduated from college.

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