食物成语(food idioms)

食物成语(food idioms),第1张

食物成语(food idioms),第2张

bring home the bacon谋生(make a living)

  bread and butter食物(food)

  bad egg坏蛋,恶棍(scoundrel)

  big cheese老板(boss)

  the cream of the crop秀的人(the best)

  one smart cookie聪明人(intelligent person)

  use one‘s noodles思考(think)

  chew the fat闲聊(chat)

  half-baked还不成熟的(not yet mature)

  spil the beans吐露秘密(share confidential information)

  hot potatoes烫手山芋,棘手问题(problematic issues)

  one‘s cup of tea某人所喜欢的人或物(the type of person or stuff one likes)

  butter sb up奉承某人(flatter sb)

  be nuts about…对…十分热衷(crazy about)

  out to lunch有点脱离现实(a little out of touch with reality)

  nutty as a fruitcake有点疯狂(a little crazy)

  In a nutshell根本上说(basically)

  polish the apple拍马*(flatter)

  a piece of cake十分容易(very easy)

  gravy train轻松可挣的大钱(big money easy way)

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