

1. Day dream, a :

  imagining about things one would like to do 白日梦.


  Some people would like to fall back on a day dream whenever they wished to get what they wanted.

  2. Day of reckoning, a :

  the time when one is obliged to answer for one's misdeeds 报应的日子.


  There will be a day of reckoning for what you have wrongly done to be harmful to others.

  3. Hammer something home :

  emphasize a point one has made in an argument by repeating it with great force 强调.


  In the face of opposition, the speaker hammered his point home with extensive illustrations.

  4. Hand back something:

  return something by hand 用手交还.


  The teacher said that he would hand back the examination scripts in week's time.

  5. Hand down somthing to someone:

  bequeath something to someone. (遗)传给……


  (1) Before the rich man passed away, he handed down his property to his wife.

  (2) That big house has been handed down to them by their grandfather.

  6. Impose something on someone/something else:

  (i) force something on someone. 强加给:


  Please don't impose your will on us.

  (ii) place a tax, fine, etc. on someone or something. 征(税);罚(款)


  (1) The traffic police have imposed a fine on the reckless motorist.

  (2) The government has imposed a heavier tax on liquor.

  7. Improve on/upon something:

  make something better 改进.


  (1) Your suggestion is good, but I think I can still improve on it.

  (2) You had good results in the first year, but can you improve upon them this year?

  8. Joking apart/aside:

  let's stop joking and talk seriously 别再开玩笑.


  (1) Joking apart, we really must do something about the leak in the water pipe.

  (2) Joking aside, what did John really think of me?

  9. Of moment: important. 重要的


  Nothing of moment occurred in your absence during the last two weeks.

  10. (Go) off one's head: mad. 疯了


  (1) You must be off your head to go mountain-climbing on such a cold and rainy day.

  (2) When Tom heard that he was dismissed, he almost went off his head.

  11. Part company (with someone):

  (i) go in different directions. 向不同方向去


  Helen and her boy friend parted company at the railway station.

  (ii) end a friendship or partnership, etc. 结束;了结


  As a result of constant quarrels, the man finally parted company with his wife.

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