


1. condemnation n. An expression of strong disapproval; pronouncing as wrong or morally culpable 谴责,严厉指责
  e.g.: He deserved nothing but condemnation.
  派生词汇 condemn vt. 谴责 condemning adj. 谴责的 condemningly adv. 谴责地 condemnable adj. 该罚的,该受谴责的 condemnatory adj. 处罚的,定罪的;谴责的
  2. persecution n. the act of oppressing or harass with ill-treatment, especially because of race, religion, sexual orientation, or beliefs 迫害,烦扰
  e.g.: They suffered persecution for their beliefs.
  派生词汇 persecute vt. 迫害,困扰 persecutor n. 迫害者,虐待者 persecute n. 受迫害者
  3. pitiful adj. inspiring or deserving pity 可怜的,引起或值得同情的
  e.g.: Their suffering was pitiful to see. 他们受的苦让人见了同情。
  派生词汇 pitifulness n. 可怜 pitifully adv. 可怜地
  4. cleanse vt. To make thoroughly clean or purge of an ideology, bad thoughts, or sins 使彻底清洁;清洁或使(思想等)变纯洁
  e.g.: She felt cleansed of her sins after confession.
  派生词汇 cleanser n. 清洁工人;清洁剂;清洁器
  5. macaque n. a kind of monkey 猕猴,恒河猴,短尾猴
  e.g.: There are three features of Japanese macaques.
  6. retaliation n. action taken in return for an injury or offence 报复
  e.g.: The situation is complicated by the retaliations of the two sides.
  派生词汇 retaliate vt. 报仇,反击 retaliative adj. 报复性的 retaliatory adj. 报复的
  7. analogous adj. partially similar or parallel; offering an analogy 类似的,相似的
  e.g.: The two processes are not analogous.
  必背搭配 be analogous to
  派生词汇 analogue n. 相似物,类似情况 analogy n. 类推,类比 analogousness n. 类似,相似性 analogously adv. 相似地
  8. pecking-order n. a hierarchy among a group, as of people, classes, or nations任何团体中之长幼尊卑次序
  e.g.: Newcomers have to accept their position at the bottom of the pecking-order.
  9. ethnologist n. student or expert in ethnology 民族学研究者,民族学家
  e.g.: Amy is an ethnologist.
  派生词汇 ethnology n. 人种学 ethnologic(ethnological) adj. 人种学的
  ethnologically adv. 人种学地
  10. correlate ①vt. to put or bring into causal, complementary, parallel, or reciprocal relation 使相互关联
  e.g.: I cannot correlate these two pieces of information.
  ② vi. to be related by a correlation 和……相关
  e.g.: The results of this experiment do not correlate with the results of earlier ones.
  ③adj. related by a correlation, especially having corresponding characteristics 相关的,关联的
  e.g.: The diameter and the circumference of a circle are correlate. 圆的直径与圆周有相互关系。
  ④n. either of two correlate entities; a correlative 相关一方,两个相对应的方面的任一方
  e.g.: Scientific research requires a careful study of all the correlates.
  必背搭配 correlate with
  派生词汇 correlatable adj. 相关的,可对比的 correlated adj. 相关的
  11. predator n. animal that kills and eats other animals 掠夺者,食肉动物
  e.g.: Tiger is predator.
  派生词汇 predatory adj. 食肉的,掠夺性的
  12.necessitate vt. to make sth necessary 使成为必要
  e.g.: It’s an unpopular measure, but the situation necessitates it. 这是不得人心的办法,但是形势要求这样做。
  派生词汇 necessity n. 必要性,需要;[常用复数]必需品 necessitation n. 迫使,被迫 necessitous adj. 紧迫的;穷的,贫困的
  13. colossal adj. very large 巨大的
  e.g.: This is a colossal building.
  派生词汇 colossus n. (pl. colossi) 巨像,巨人,巨物
  14. deposit ①vt. to settle 沉积
  e.g.: The Nile floods the fields and deposits mud on them.
  ②n. something deposited, especially by a natural process 沉积物
  e.g.: Valuable mineral deposits have been found in this region.
  派生词汇 depository n. 储藏室,存放处;受托人,保管人
  15. silt ①n. sand, mud etc carried by flowing water and left at the mouth of a river, in a harbor, etc.淤泥
  e.g.: The dam can prevent the deposit of silt.
  ②vi. to become filled with silt 被淤塞,使塞满泥沙
  e.g.: The old channel has been silted up.
  派生词汇 silty adj. 淤泥的,塞满了淤泥的
  Purgatory is supposed to __1__you from your sins.
  The Israeli army __2__for the Hamas bombing.
  Human heart is an__3__ of the pump.
  The astronauts had developed a __4__that was military in its rigidity.
  Research workers find it hard to__5__the two sets of figures.
  The pessimists consider the bourgeois society is a__6__, insensate world in which innocence and decency can prove fatal.
  The increase in population__7__ a greater food supply.
  There remain the __8__ crumbling ruins of an ancient temple beside the left bank of the river.
  If you evaporate a little seawater on a porcelain dish; on cooling, crystals of common salt will__9__on the sides of the dish.
  River sediments gradually __10__ the harbor.
  1. cleanse 2. retaliated 3. analogous 4. pecking-order 5.correlate
  6.predator 7. necessitates 8.colossal 9. deposit 10. silted

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