



请看外电相关报道:The latest cost-of-living survey has thrown up more than a few surprises. Hong Kong, ranked fourth, was the most expensive Chinese city with Beijing coming in 14th. Shanghai was six places below the capital in 20th.

The move to peg the renminbi against a basket of currencies rather than just the US dollar was a major reason for cities on the Chinese mainland climbing up the scale, with Shenzhen rising 19 places, Guangzhou 11 places, Shanghai 10 places, Beijing five places and Tianjin up three.


Chinese currency was no longer be pegged to the US dollar.

China scraped/ditched yuan peg to US dollar.

China abandoned the currency's decade-old peg against the US dollar.

报道中,The move to peg the renminbi against a basket of currencies rather than just the US dollar指“人民币不再单一钉美元,而改为与一揽子货币挂钩的汇率机制”。

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