Hsieh Kun,第1张

Hsieh Kun,第2张

Yellow, orange, red, and white carp swim in the rippling water of a lotus pond. The lotuses look so real that they seem to sway1 in the breeze.  “If I want to touch people with my painting,” Hsieh says, “I should be moved by it first.” The painting is so tall that Hsieh had to stand on a stool to reach its top. But challenges only inspire this painter.

  Hsieh is filled with childlike enthusiasm.2 During our interview, his cell phone rang. With great agility,3 Hsieh pushed the phone to the table's edge and pressed a button with his arm stump, which he calls “my cute little hand.” “It was easy,” he laughed, “I don’t need a huge dial pad!”

  Hsieh works hard to inspire others. He is a tireless lecturer,4 giving about four hundred presentations5 a year! “If a person like me can lead a happy life,” Hsieh explains, “Why would regular people feel unhappy?” As I wrote this article, I couldn't help smiling. Hsieh helped me understand that it doesn’t take two arms to achieve your dreams. All it takes is a passionate6 heart.

  黄、橘、红、白等各种颜色的鲤鱼悠游在水波荡漾的莲花池中,栩栩如生的莲花似乎随着微风轻摆。谢坤山表示:“若希望别人被我的画感动,首先必须先感动我自己。”这幅大尺寸的画作,谢坤山必须站在板凳上才画得到最上面的地方。然而,所有挑战对他而言都是一种激励。 谢坤山充满了孩子般的热忱。在我们的访谈当中,他的手机响起。只见他敏捷地将手机推到桌缘,以他截除后的余肢按下按键接听。他戏称自己的余肢为“可爱的小手”。他笑着说:“其实很简单啊,我也不要用到超大的按键。” 谢坤山用心地激励人心,也是一个精力充沛的演讲者,平均一年发表四百场演说!他如此说明着:“像我这样的人都能活得这么快乐,一般正常人为什么还会感到不快乐呢?”当我在写这篇文章时,不禁扬起嘴角微笑着。谢坤山让我理解了一个道理:实践梦想不一定要靠双手,一颗热情的心才是最重要的。

  1. sway v. to slowly move back and forth 摇摆 The tree branches swayed in the breeze. 树枝在微风中轻轻摆动。

  2. enthusiasm n. a feeling of being very interested in sth. 热衷 Max's enthusiasm for the piano is obvious: He practices every day! 麦克斯对钢琴的热爱显而易见,他每天都练琴。

  3. agility n. physical skill 敏捷 It takes good agility to become a ballet dancer. 成为芭蕾舞者需要相当的灵活度。

  4. lecturer n. sb. who makes a formal speech 演讲者 The lecturer spoke to our class about the importance of helping others. 演说者对我们班讲述助人的重要性。

  5. presentation n. a formal speech 发表(演说、表演等) After her presentation, Jane answered questions from the audience. 演说结束后,珍回答了听众的问题。

  6. passionate adj. having strong feelings about sb./sth. 热情的;热忱的 Patrick loves animals, and he is passionate about animal rights. 派屈克很喜欢动物,对维护动物权益亦相当热忱。

  对话:can't help (but) 不禁 A: Why are you smiling at these laughing children? B: I can’t help but feel happy whenever I see kids playing. A: 你为什么对着这群笑嘻嘻的小朋友微笑? B: 我只要看到小朋友在玩耍,就不禁感到很开心。


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