




  判断题要求考生根据短文中所给的信息,暗示抓住内涵语义,进行判断、推理,从而得出合乎逻辑的结论。它与细节题的区别在于它是透过表面文字推断出隐含的意思,它可以是推断作者倾向,文章论调,文章来源,作者的写作思路;也可以是推断特定细节,特定数字等。推断题的题干中通常会出现:infer, imply, suggest, conclude, assume, appear, conclude, inference, conclusion, judgment等词。


  1. It can be inferred from the passage that…
  2. It can be concluded from the passage that…
  3. What does the author imply by saying…
  4. It is implied but not directly stated in the passage that…
  5. The author implies / suggests / indicates that…
  6. The author's attitude toward…… is



  1. 推断题。推断题要求考生以已知事实为基础作出正确的猜测。推断题的答案超出了已知的事实,是对未知信息所作的陈述,是作者的言外之意或真正意图。

  2. 结论题。结论题要求考生根据文章中得已知事实得出正确结论。要得出正确结论主要采用归纳推理和演绎推理两种方式。归纳推理作结论是由个别推出一般,由具体推出抽象得推理过程。在阅读中,要求读者针对材料中提供的局部事实,如某一句话,某两句话,乃至整个段落的信息作归纳,以得出正确的结论。演绎推理是从一般到个别,从普遍到特殊的推理。演绎推理通常是由大前提,小前提和一个结论构成的,所以也叫"三段论".大前提提出一般原则,小前提指出个别事物,结论表明推论的结果。解结论题时,一定要根据题目要求就短文的有关内容范围作出合乎逻辑的可靠的结论。既要以事实为依据,也要依据自己的逻辑常识和经验;既要重视文章主题,也要重视发展主题的细节;而尤为重要的是把握住作者的写作意图。

  3. 观点态度题。态度就是作者在写作时对所叙述事件表现出来的个人的主观感情。具体来说,是作者对所述内容是赞成、反对,还是犹豫不定;对记叙或描写的人、物或事件是称赞、同情、冷漠,还是厌恶。通常,作者的观点和态度往往会在文章的措词、文体和结构中反映出来。只要在阅读时注意这几个方面,透过字里行间察其端倪,作者的观点和态度就不难把握。

  做判断推理题一定要"以事实为依据",但又不能"就事论事",判断推理得出的结果又绝对不是事实本身。解答这类题目,切忌靠常识、专业知识和智力来臆断正确答案。如果主观臆测,必错无疑。 总之,做判断推理题要牢记三点:理解事实;分析事实;作出决定。

  例题 1

  Mrs. Harris, an elderly patient in a nursing home, sat all day in a chair. She did nothing else. She required complete physical care, even feeding. No one seemed to realize that she was partially deaf and blind. One day, a young doctor observed cataracts (白内障) in both her eyes. He discovered that if he spoke in her ear, she seemed to respond. One eye was operated on, and when it was first uncovered, the old woman cried with joy. Her recovery was quick, and she soon became quite independent. She started feeding herself and took to smiling and talking with others. The change in her attitude was amazing. Not only did she require less nursing care, but she was also able to help other patients' She was again able to see and with this, seemed to experience some hearing recovery.

  1. The regular attendants of the nursing home were most probably ——.

  A. overworked to the point of exhaustion
  B. indifferent to the needs of the patients
  C. unaware of Mrs. Harris' real problem
  D. highly trained medical experts

  2. It can be reasonably inferred from this paragraph that:

  A. a person's state of health affects his outlook on life
  B. nursing homes are staffed with unqualified attendants
  C. an elderly person should be cared for by his family
  D. state governments should supervise nursing homes closely

  3. Evidence suggests that the young doctor was ——.
  A. unusual B. alert C. independent D. casual


  1. 基于文中的第四句"No one seemed to realize that she was deaf and blind",可以推出第 1题的正确答案为 C.

  2. 动完眼手术后,Mrs..Harris "soon became quite independent…and took to smiling and talking with others.The change In her attitude was amazing",由此可以得出第 2题的正确答案为 A.

  3. 因为文中提到"a young doctor observed cataracts in both her eyes.He discovered that if he spoke in her ear,5. she seemed to respond"所以第 3题的正确答案为B.

  例题 2

  The male and female mosquitoes make an odd couple. The female is a vampire and lives on blood. The male is a vegetarian that sips nectar and plant juices. Females of different species choose different hosts on which to dine. Some feed exclusively on cattle, horses, birds and other warm-blooded creatures. Some favor cold-blooded animals. Still others prefer man.

  While the female's menu varies, her bite remains the same. She drives her sharp, tubular snout through the skin, injects a fluid to deep the blood from clothing, and drinks her fill, which takes a minute or less. It is fluid she injects that carries disease. After her blood meal, she rests while her eggs develop. She then looks for a moist or flooded place to lay them.

  1. It can be concluded from the paragraph that the male mosquito is _______.

  A. dangerous B. relatively harmless
  C. irritating D. openly aggressive

  2. Female mosquitoes ________.

  A. are a threat to most forms of living creatures
  B. cannot be controlled effectively
  C. render important services to mankind
  D. are a necessary element in the balance of the nature

  3. Which of the following are natural breeding places for mosquitoes?

  A. high, dry terrain (地带)
  B. rivers and oceans
  C. damp, swampy area
  D. mountain forests


  1. 第一段的第三句就指出雄蚊子是素食主义者吃花蜜和植物汁,言外之义不吃血,所以可以得出结论,雄蚊子是无害的。答案是B

  2. 第一段后半部分指出雌蚊子叮咬牛、马、鸟、热血生物,冷血动物,尤其是人,所以我们可以归纳出它对大多数生物是个威胁。答案是A

  3. 根据第二段的内容和常识,蚊子的孳生地是潮湿沼泽的地方。答案是C

  例题 3

  Every afternoon a line of very old women passes down the road outside my home, each carrying a load of firewood. All of them are tiny. It seems to be generally the case in primitive countries that the women, at a certain age, shrink to the size of children. One day a poor old creature who could not have been more than four feet tall crept past me under a vast load of wood. I stopped her and put a five-sou piece ( less than a penny) into her hand. She answered with a shrill wail, almost a scream, which was partly gratitude but mainly surprise. I suppose that from her point of view I seemed almost to be violating a law of nature. She accepted her status as an old woman, that is to say, a beast of burden (驮畜).

  1. The paragraph produces in the reader a feeling of __________.

  A. sorrow
  B. satisfaction
  C. restraint
  D. curiosity

  2. The author's attitude towards his subject is _________.

  A. resentful
  B. sympathetic
  C. distrustful
  D. affectionate


  1.这是一篇反映落后国家妇女悲惨生活的段落,作者没有直接阐述他对这些妇女的态度,但文章中的某些措辞( a poor old creature)和作者的行动(put a five-sou piece into her hand)却明确地表示了他的态度。这些词都流露出作者对这些妇女的深切同情。答案是A

  2. 整个文章的调子、氛围都让人感到一种悲哀的感情。因此,以上两题的正确答案是B.

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