

I feel on top of the world.
  健康是无价之宝,如果你拥有健康的身体,或者感觉精神饱满、身心状态都非常好的话,我们可以说:I feel on top of the world. (我的精神状态非常好),也可简单说:I feel great/I feel so healthy/I?m in the pink 都指‘我的身体/或精神上状态很好’的意思。
  对 话
  Noel: What on earth has happened to you?
  Vivian: I’ve just got back from the doctor’s and I feel on top of the world.
  Noel: But your arm is in a cast, you have an eye-patch and you look awful.
  Vivian: I know, isn’t it great? Now I get a month’s paid leave from work . I’m free, I’m free.
  诺尔见维维安手折眼伤,说You look awful(你看来糟透了)。不料维维安反而高兴获得有薪病假,说I feel on top of the world。 To be on top of the world是俗语,直译是‘在世界之上’,常用来说人得意洋洋或身心康泰,也作sitting on top of the world,例如:(1) He is on top of the world -- he has just won the lottery(他刚刚中了彩票,高兴极了)。(2) She has been sitting on top of the world since her promotion(她升迁以来,心情舒畅)。
  要说自己身体或精神好,有很多说法。I couldn’t be better是‘我身心好得无以复加’;I feel great是‘我感到很好’;I feel like a million dollars/bucks(我感到像一百万美元)是‘我感到健康、快乐’;I feel (as) fresh as a daisy(我自觉像雏菊一样清新)是‘我感到精神饱满’;I?m in the pink (of health/of condition)则是以健康的粉红(pink)脸色而言,指‘我身体好得很’。要称赞人家看来身体健康或精神奕奕,则可说You look like a million dollars、You look great等。
  假如感到自己身体或精神不好,可以说I feel run down、I feel out of sorts、I feel off-color、I don’t feel well、I feel rather ill/very bad等。Run down是‘疲惫不堪’或‘衰弱’,例如:He looked absolutely run down after working round the clock(他工作了二十四小时,看来疲惫不堪)。Out of sorts是‘身体不适’,off-color则是以‘脸色不好’来说‘有点不舒服’。(

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