


Since time immemorial, warring nations had no compunctions in plundering their enemy's national treasures and other symbols of wealth, both as war booty and to demonstrate their power over the defeated.

  Quite unbelievably, even in this seemingly more enlightened environment of the 21st century, the world was shocked and saddened by the recent massive looting of Iraq's choicest millennia-old cultural properties at the famed National Museum in Baghdad.

  Ironically, this was committed right under the noses of the victorious US invaders who did nothing whatsoever to stop it.

  Iraq has one of the most glorious ancient civilisations created by man, with extant artefacts dating back more than 5000 years, a substantial number of which were showcased at the National Museum.

  It is estimated that between 120,000 and 150,000 priceless art objects there were lost. This far exceeded the 4000 pieces alleged to have been removed by US forces and UN personnel during the Gulf War in 1991.

  Soon after this cultural rape, some of the stolen art objects began to appear in Western antique markets, as well as in the black markets in Iraq.

  Before long, many of these would undoubtedly end up in unscrupulous private and public collections of the affluent nations.

  The US government's feeble response to this outrage seems to lend credence to the view that its hatred for Saddam Hussein's regime is so deep-seated that it suffered no pangs of conscience to tacitly allow the looters to have a field day at the National Museum.

  This contrasted starkly with its well-planned deployment of troops to protect the equipment and facilities at captured Iraqi oil fields as the US has a vested economic interest in the future uninterrupted supply of Iraqi oil to its own market at stable prices.

  Its overt failure to prevent such looting was roundly condemned by thinking people everywhere. It is a permanent blot on its international image and violates US obligations under international conventions to safeguard and protect cultural properties in times of war.

  The US soldiers' behaviour was unpardonable as both UNESCO and leading American and Western academics had already painstakingly warned the US Government long before the war broke out of the real danger of such lootings taking place in Iraq, and urged it to take effective actions to prevent these from happening. Their warnings had not been heeded.

  What can the US Government do to atone its failure to safeguard and protect these Iraqi national treasures? It is otiose to say that no amount of monetary recompense to Iraq can adequately compensate it for the irreplaceable loss of its sacred cultural heritage.

  Be that as it may, it is certainly within the US power and financial capability to take the following remedial measures to partially redeem its tarnished public image:

  Firstly, its forces, and that of its allies, must ensure that there are no further lootings of the numerous other cultural properties that are scattered in various sites throughout Iraq.

  Secondly, it will take efficacious actions to recover the looted artefacts that are still within that county and to prevent their export.

  Thirdly, it will take necessary steps to ensure that these stolen artefacts are banned from importation and exportation in US and request other countries to do the same.

  Together with them, to formulate appropriate actions to facilitate their return to Iraq.

  Lastly, to make a substantial financial grant to Iraq for its reconstruction as a gesture of atonement.

  I implore the United States to take concrete responsibility for this sad episode.

  。The writer is an art supporter.




















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