


The Georgian knot

  Nov 23rd 2006 | TALLINN
  From The Economist print edition

  NOBODY can fault the Georgians' courage. Judgment is another matter. America has dropped its objections to Russia's membership of the World Trade Organisation-seemingly in return for support on Iran and North Korea. But Georgia, an ardently pro-Western ex-Soviet republic, has withdrawn its own agreement with Russia and is blocking the multilateral talks needed to conclude Russia's entry into the WTO. The trade body relies on unanimity, giving vetoes even to pipsqueaks[1]-at least in theory.

  Georgia has plenty to complain about: Russia subjected it to trade sanctions and raised its gas prices in protest at the public humiliation of some Russian spies. But the real issue, according to the prime minister, Zurab Nogaideli, is another one: control of commerce into two separatist enclaves that border on Russia, South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Trade (legal and illegal) flows freely.

  Georgia wants these borders either sealed or run by its own customs officials. That may be reasonable in theory but it sounds fanciful in practice. The two "frozen conflicts" have remained stubbornly unthawed[2] for a decade, and Georgia's lack of Western support has already been bleakly[3] exposed in recent months. Foreigners are wowed by Georgia's warp-speed economic reform-which has produced double-digit GDP growth-but dismayed by its erratic and hot-headed politics and diplomacy.

  America laments Georgia's tactics. It wants Russia in the WTO, which will help speed Ukraine, a country that it is trying to coax[4] back into a pro-Western stance, along the same path. "America and the EU will stamp Georgia into the ground on this," says a government adviser. "They seem to think that they can provoke us into supporting them," says a top EU official despairingly.

  Mr Nogaideli claims that the Kremlin is backsliding[5]. "If Russia doesn't want to honour this agreement, they shouldn't have signed it," he says. Georgia hopes that the many loose ends in Russia's WTO application mean that other countries too will welcome a chance to apply a bit more pressure-on pricey rail freight costs, for example.

  Perhaps. But the usual outcome in trade talks is that big countries' arm-twisting[6] is effective-and painful.


  1. pipsqueak n.小人物,无足轻重的东西
  2. unthawed adj. 未化解的
  3. bleak adj. 严峻的;寒冷的
  4. coax v. 劝诱,诱骗
  5. backslide v. 倒退,堕落,故态复萌
  6. arm-twisting n. 压力

  Gordian knot(戈尔迪之结),(希腊神话中弗里基亚国王)戈尔迪打的难解的结(按神谕,能入主亚洲者才能打开此结,后马其顿国王亚历山大挥利剑将死结斩开)。 后比喻难办的事,复杂问题。Cut the Gordian knot则表示"以大刀阔斧的办法解决复杂问题,快刀斩乱麻".文章标题喻指"结"是"格鲁吉亚人"系的,也就是说问题出于格鲁吉亚人。

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