



  1. benighted adj. unenlightened morally or intellectually; ignorant; backward 未开化的; 愚昧无知的; 落後的: benighted savages 未开化的野人.

  2. grotesque adj. 1 strangely distorted so as to arouse fear or laughter; fantastic 因变得古怪而可怕或可笑的; 奇形怪状的: tribal dancers wearing grotesque masks 部落中戴着古怪面具的跳舞的人. 2 (art 美术) combining human, animal and plant forms in a fantastic design 奇异风格的(由人、动植物混合组成之图案的). 3 ridiculously exaggerated or unreasonable; absurd 荒谬地夸张的或无理的; 荒唐的: a grotesque distortion of the truth 对事实的无理歪曲 * It's grotesque to expect a person of her experience to work for such little money. 想让有她那样经验的人为这点儿钱工作真是可笑. 4 offensively incongruous 捍格不入的; 极不协调的: the grotesque sight of an old man trying to flirt with a young girl 老头儿极力与少女调情那种离谱的样子.

  3. plump v. (phr v) plump (oneself/sb/sth) down (cause sb/sth to) fall or drop suddenly and heavily (使某人[某物])突然而重重地落下: plump down the heavy bags 把重袋子一下子放下 * plump (oneself) down in a chair 一*坐到椅子上. plump for sb/sth choose or vote for sb/sth with confidence 有信心地选择或选举某人[某事物]: The committee plumped for the most experienced candidate. 委员会很有把握地选择了那个最有经验的候选人. * The children plumped for a holiday by the sea. 孩子们特别想去海边度假.

  4. bog v. (-gg-) (phr v) bog (sth) down (usu passive 通常用于被动语态) (a) (cause sth to) sink into mud or wet ground (使某物)陷入泥沼: The tank (got) bogged down in the mud. 坦克陷入泥沼之中. (b) (fig 比喻) (cause sth to) become stuck and unable to make progress (使某物)陷入困境不能前进: Our discussions got bogged down in irrelevant detail. 我们的讨论纠缠在无关紧要的细节上.

  5. tangle v. 1 [I, Ip, Tn, Tn.p] ~ (sth) (up) (cause sth to) become twisted into a confused mass (使某物)乱作一团, 绞在一起: Her hair got all tangled up in the barbed wire fence. 她的头发让刺钢丝篱笆都给挂住了. 2 [Ipr] ~ with sb/sth become involved in a quarrel or fightwith sb/sth 与某人吵嘴或打架; 与某事有纠葛: I shouldn'ttangle with Peter —— he's bigger than you. 我不该与彼得纠缠——他比你块头大.

  6. prism n. 1 solid geometric shape with ends that are parallel and of the same size and shape, and with sides that are parallelograms 棱柱(体). 2 transparent object of this shape, usu triangular and made of glass, which breaks up ordinary light into the colours of the rainbow 棱柱体透明物; (通常指)棱镜, 三棱镜.

  7. polemic n. fml 文) 1 (a) [C] ~ (against/in favour of sth/sb) speech, piece of writing, etc containing very forceful arguments (against or for sth/sb) (反对或赞成某事物[某人]的)慷慨陈词, 辩论文章: He launched into a fierce polemic against the government's policies. 他猛烈地抨击政府的政策. (b) [U] such speeches, pieces of writing, etc 慷慨陈词; 辩论文章: engage in polemic 进行辩论. 2 polemics [pl] art or practice of arguing a case formally and usu forcefully 辩论法; 争辩术.

  8. blandishment n. (usu pl 通常作复数) (fml 文) flattering or coaxing words and actions 谄媚或哄骗的言语和行为: She resisted his blandishments. 她把他的甜言蜜语顶了回去.

  9. coax v. [Tn, Tn.pr, Cn.t] 1 ~ sb (into/out of (doing) sth) persuade sb gently or gradually 劝诱或哄劝某人: He coaxed her into letting him take her to the cinema. 他哄得她同意带她去看电影. * She coaxed him out of his bad temper. 她循循善诱地劝他改掉坏脾气. * coax a child to take its medicine 哄小孩儿吃药 * (fig 比喻) coax a fire with (ie make it burn by adding) paraffin 加上煤油把火点着. 2 (phr v) coax sth outof/from sb obtain sth from sb by gentle persuasion 用好言好语劝说某人以得到某事物: I had to coax the information out of him. 我得用好话套出他掌握的情况. * She coaxed a smile from the baby. 她哄得婴儿一笑.

  10. makeshift n, adj (thing that is) used temporarily until sth better is available (临时的)代用品; 权宜的; 临时凑合的: use an empty crate as a makeshift (table) 把一个空木箱当作临时的桌子.

  11. technocrat n. expert inscience, engineering, etc, esp one who favours technocracy 技术专家; (尤指)专家政治论者.

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