


  (1)表示心理状态的词:accept, agree, allow, believe, care, dislike, fear, forget, hate, know, like, love, mean, mind, need, prefer, realize, remember, respect, understand, want, wish等。还有 admit, decide, permit, promise, receive, refuse等。
  I accept what you say. 我接受你说的话。
  I don’t agree to this proposal. 我不同意这个建议。
  (2)感官动词和表示状态的动词一般不用进行时。系动词:如hear, look, notice, see, smell, sound, taste等词。表示状态的词:be, belong to, exist, have, remain, seem, stay等词。例如:
  I see him now; he’s talking to a girl. 我看见他了,他正在和一个女孩说话。
  The warships belong to the navy and the tanks belong to the army. 军舰属于海军,坦克属于陆军。
  The tea tastes fresh. 这茶味道很新鲜。
  It sounds strange, but it is true. 听起来很奇怪,但这是真的。
  Here comes the bus! 公共汽车来了。
  There goes the bell. 铃声响了。
  Here he comes! 他来了!
  There he goes! 他走了!
  在make sure (certain) 后面的从句常用现在时表示将来时:
  There aren’t many seats left for the concert; you’d better make sure that you get one today. 这场音乐会剩下的座位不多了,你今天订妥一个位子。
  I’m leaving now。 -Make sure you lock the window. 我现在走了。 你务必把窗户关上。
  I shall be twenty years old next year. 明年我就二十岁了。
  Tomorrow will be September 10th. 明天是九月十号。
  (2)“be going to +动词原型 ”这种形式用于人时表示打算,意图,也表示说话者确信无疑;用于物时表示可能或必然性。
  They are going to get married in July. 他们打算七月份结婚。
  Mr. Brown says he is going to buy a new car next year. Brown 先生说他们打算明年买辆新车。
  His wife is going to have a baby. 他妻子要生小孩子了。
  There is going to be a storm. 将有一场暴风雨。
  Look!It’s going to snow. 看,要下雪了。
  (3)“be to +动词原形 ”表示命令,安排,疑问句中表示征求意见。例如:
  You are to clean the window. 你要擦窗。
  The President is to arrive in Rome at three o’clock this afternoon. 总统今天下午三点到达罗马。
  Am I to set to work? 要着手工作吗?
  Is he to leave/come, too。 要他也走/来吗?
  (4)“be about to +动词原形 ”表示即刻就要发生的动作。例如:
  They are about to go out when it begins to snow. 他们正出去的时候开始下雪了.
  The ship is about to sail。 船要扬帆起航了。

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