

1、追星族 fan of celebrity

  My sister is a fan of celebrity,who admires those famous singers and movie stars.

  2、侃价 to bargain

  If you bargain with them they might reduce the price.

  3、知识经济 knowledge economics

  This is the time of knowledge economics.

  4、曝光 to expose

  Radios and Televisions exposed the crimes of those corrupt officials.

  5、最低工资 minimum wage

  Some staff members can only get the minimum wage.

  6、下岗工人 laid-off worker

  The laid-off worker can get 300 yuan unemployment allowance per month from the goverment.

  7、走俏 to sell well

  The book sells well.

  8、法盲 ignorant of law

  Don't you think he is an ignorant of law?

  9、市价 market price

  Actually the price I've offered is 10% lower than the market price.

  10、AA制 to go fifty fifty/to go Duntch

  Let's go Duntch,ok?

  11、直销 direct sales to customers

  Many manufacturers adopt the strategy of direct sales to customers.

  12、一步到位 to settle a matter at one go

  We'd better settle the matter at one go.

  13、泡沫经济 bubble economy

  The economic crisis is the direct result of bubble economy.

  14、名人效应 social influence of celebrities

  Many enterprises want to take advantage of the social influence of celebrities to make their products well know.

  15、假日经济 holiday economics

  Holiday economics brought a lot of profits to hotels and tourism.

  16、买单 to pay the bill

  It is your turn to pay the bill.

  17、自助餐 Buffet meal

  I think Buffet meals are cheap and nice.

  18、再就业工程 project to reemploy laid-off workers

  The goverment launched a project to reemploy laid-off workers two years ago.

  19、拳头产品 competitive products

  The competitive products of our company are quality air conditioners.

  20、热门话题 popular topic

  Nowadays 2008 Beijing Olympic Games is a popular topic in China.

  21、人体炸弹 suicide bomb

  Three US soldiers were killed in yesterday's suicide bombing.

  22、网吧 Internet bar

  Many teenagers are so addicted to Internet bars that they've given up their school studies.

  23、网友Internet buddies

  I have made a lot of Internet buddies.

  24、轰动效应sensational effect

  The new measure caused a sensational effect.

  25、举报 to denounce

  The victim has denounced him to the police.

  26、公众人物 publicly known figure

  The publicly known figures have their own problem,too.

  27、裁员to cut staff members

  Some airline companies are planning to cut staff members.

  28、宰人to overcharge

  Some peddlers overcharge too much.

  29、中彩to win the lottery

  Rory won $50 million in the California lottery.

  30、反恐to fight against terrorism

  We are supportive of fighting against terrorism.

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