


Balance 余额,结余,差额,平衡

  adverse balance 收支逆差

  balance budget 平衡预算

  balance of international trade 国际贸易差额

  balance of payment 国际收支

  closing balance 期末差额

  credit balance 贷方余额

  foreign currency balance 外汇余额

  keep balance 保持平衡

  loss balance 失去平衡

  negative balance 逆差

  retained balance from foreign exchange revenue 外汇收入留成余额

  book depreciation 帐面折旧

  book-entry securities 记帐证券

  book inventory 帐面库存

  book of account 帐簿

  book profit 帐面利润

  book value per share 每股帐面价值

  Cash 现金

  cash account 现金帐户

  cash assets 现金资本

  cash audit 现金审计

  cash balance 现金余额

  cash equivalent 视同库存现金

  cash flow analysis 现金流量分析

  cash in bank 银行现金

  cash in hold 库存现金

  cash payment 现金支付

  cash purchase 现金购买

  cash transaction 现金交易

  free cash flows 活动现金流

  Certified 注册的,合格的

  certified appraiser 注册评估师

  certified copy 正式核准的副本

  certified financial statement 经会计师证明的财务报表

  certified invoice 证实发票

  certified mortgage 证实抵押

  finance charges 财务费用

  Classification 分类,科目

  classification item 分类项目

  classification of accounts 帐户分类

  classification of assets 资产分类

  classification of property 财产分类

  classification schemes 分类表

  Classified 分成类的

  classified balance sheet 分类资产负债表

  classified depreciation 分类折旧

  coding of account 帐户代码

  coding of assets 资产代码

  Closing 结算,结帐,收盘

  closing account 结帐,结算

  closing cost 成交价

  closing inventory 期末存货

  Consolidated 合并的,综合的

  consolidated balance sheet 合并资产负债表

  consolidated financial statement 合并决算表

  consolidated income statement 合并损益表,综合损益表

  consolidated profit and loss statement 汇总损益表

  consolidated retained earning 合并留存收益

  consolidated statement 汇总报表

  Cost 成本,费用

  acquisition cost 购置成本

  actual cost 实际成本

  anticipated cost method 预期成本法

  average cost 平均成本

  borrowing- cost 借债成本

  carrying cost 维持成本

  cost account 成本帐户

  cost accounting 成本会计

  cost allocation 成本分摊

  cost analysis 成本分析

  cost and benefit analysis 成本收益分析

  cost approach to fair market value 求得公平市场价值的成本法

  cost control 成本控制

  cost distribution 成本分摊

  cost free 免费

  cost method 成本法

  cost objective 成本目标

  cost of capital 资金成本

  cost of investment 投资成本

  cost of management 管理费

  cost of marketing 营销成本

  cost of replacement 重置成本法

  cost of reproduction less depreciation 重置成本减折旧

  cost of sales 销售成本

  cost-benefit analysis 成本收益分析

  cost-effectiveness 成本效益

  cost-of-living index 生活费指数

  cost plus 成本加价

  indirect cost 间接成本

  marginal cost 边际成本

  material cost 材料成本

  opportunity cost 机会成本

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