


equity earnings 参股收益,股本盈利

  equity financing 产权筹资

  equity investment 股本投资

  equity market 权益市场

  equity ownership 资本所有权

  equity security 股票

  equity share 普通股票

  equity stock 股票,产权股票

  equity to assets ratio 权益对资产比率

  equity to debt ratio 权益对债务比率

  equity transaction 净值交易

  Establishment 建立

  establishment of socialist market economy 社会主义市场经济的建立

  Estate 不动产,房地产,财产,遗产

  estate tax 遗产税

  bankrupt‘s estate 破产者财产

  Estimate 预算,估算

  estimate budget 概算

  Estimated 预计的,估计的

  estimated cost 估计成本

  estimated tax 估计税额

  Estimation 估计,鉴别

  European Currency Unit 欧洲货币单位

  European common market 欧洲共同市场

  European Monetary Unit 欧洲货币联盟

  Evaluation 估价,评价

  evaluation of performance 业绩评价

  evaluation principle 估价原则

  evaluation sheet 估价单

  Evaluator 评估员

  Even 公平的,偶数

  even bargain 公平交易

  even exchange 公平交换

  Evidence 证明,证据,证人

  evidence of title 所有权证明

  Examination 检查,审查

  examination of title 审查所有权

  Exceptional 例外的,特别的

  exceptional case 例外情况

  exceptional court 特别法院

  Excess 额外的,余额,超额

  excess profit 超额利润

  Excessive 过多的,过度的

  excessive growth 过度增长

  excessive inflation 过度通货膨胀

  excessive production capacity 过剩的生产能力

  excessive profit 超额利润

  Exchange 交换,交易

  exchange control 外汇控制

  free exchange rate 自由汇率

  stock exchange regulation 股票交易规定

  Exclusive 的,专营的

  exclusive agency 代理

  exclusive sale 专营,包销

  Executive 执行的

  executive board 董事会

  executive committee 执行委员会

  Exempt 豁免,免除

  exempt from taxation 免税

  exempt income 免税收入

  Expected 预期的

  expected capacity 预计生产能力

  expected earning 预期收益

  expected profit 预期利润

  expected return 语期收益

  Expenditure 支出,费用

  expenditure on capital account 资本帐户支出

  gross domestic expenditure 国内支出总额

  Expense 支出,费用

  depreciation expenses 折旧费

  entertainment expenses 交际费,招待费

  expense budget 费用概算

  expenses of bankruptcy proceedings 破产手续费

  research and development expenses 研究开发费

  travel expenses 差旅费

  Export 出口,输出

  export of capital 资本输出

  export subsidy 出口补贴

  export tax 出口税

  Extensive 粗放的

  extensive management 粗放经营

  External 外部的

  external debt 外债

  Extra 额外的

  extra cost 额外成本

  extra profit 额外收入

  Face 表面,票面

  face amount of bond 债券票面金额

  face interest rate 债券票面利率

  face value of share 股票票面价值

  Facility 设施,设备,服务机构

  facility charge 设备费

  facility cost 设备成本

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